Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


V\ eAther to!«r ten: ple&«u>L Wjnd ROror«« X. E

The Oc*>anic eam ir. with oewi •U’.e~ to tbe 27th. Portaj»uee* are in it Uteir tbej b»re • Kug at tbeir bead. Thev did b»ve a meeting ai tbe Americ4C Le«g-ie last nigbt » ~ Tbe F-bru«ry term of tbe cnurl end«i wstn the Holomi a e»ee iu ttalu quo. Smile» on tbe of the an* nesjitioaUtā wcre verv nut;ceable > » * , | tbw moru ng. Mr. G. W Smith of ihe firm of Beo»on Smitb A' Co. is one of tbe I directon» of tbe Star. Mr Juiian Palm*r hae fi>!iowed in ihe !;ne «f his |»3}<er. the Bo-»t-»n Traiktrript. by lie;ng hone*t The Mtamp onze i» uow ne«rly ; over Many of the Portogoes« are st:ll huying thcm on aeeonni 1 of tho coloring. The Star stockbolders h«d u meeting la»-t eveningat the rooras of the Anneiati<>n eiul» and elected u uew set of dlrectors. The smal)-p«>x j»at ent« at the ground«< have giv»dcare i tud gix»d ntr«ing under the sujK-r-visi«n of Agenl 11 yno!d« of the rt»>ar»l of ilealih.