Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

AT THE CLTTB STABLES. “ CREOLE 21,702 Rac« R«cord: Fourtii H«at 2:15. Mad< at Stockton. Cal. S«pt. 23. 1893J br BaH TS Gt%w. br B* vrn»fwr • <vV rv ss p**t • ik• A.*v frut«v 1». W*ik-r. «»*: IV». «ad o< tfi* lvtr aliik. ;’7 *a 5 V»f 3•> A inv «'» •« (*fk, *•» »» wiu» M *» i » arp» ta l»t«. M». ( W |w«a>k>; ** »*cy *»▼&*&. • gaoA n*4«iat s eust* t»--* b r-*. Wūi -t»a! • kawW-i inM *>t •» riFT\ #J»> D«3U AW KH *S. |»n >J» * < Wk- > cn» «m b»*d in ’.MC Su oju** *a4 p«xl«!»l W.'NW 1>. H DAVia

INTER-ISLAND PiLOIAŪE. Cirr. WILUAM DAVIES. * — n,>H THK TWELTF. YE.VRS >o n'Oiwol ->f lntrr-I»UaiI Sk«jDrrs off-r* £in «nw* IMLOTto ant pon or laoliiu :s :hi' IIi*iii>a I«!»ixk l'īT' lv-»: ol rdtaracv-s ir*jn:r* »• offi,v cd J. S. VV 4 ;k*:h oTrr SprmsiBBi\ b*>r.Y. w* \Vk:i.kt B»Fi>n Strv*t M> U tf. W. S.LUCE __ AViue anel >irit AIerchant Firf-pr»of HiiKk, MERCHANT ST.. HONOLn.U; H. MAY, & Co,. Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters i AND Provision Merchants, 08 Fort Stre«t. Honolnln K.'iiniiioa, PlRntritions anl Ships snpplit'U with ohoieeek Ruwpean ei* A menean Grocenei j C liforni» Pnnlnee by Eveiy Ste' , .mer. Long i Branch

BATHING Establishment. Thi» Fin<t-cl »ss II «thmg Rcsort h.i» lv.‘en enlnrptHl an<l is now o|K'D to the paMie. It is tbe b«st p <tce oo the isSar>Us to enjoy a batb »n*l tbere is no better piaee tu Ujr ort. Speci«l aeeomrn',*<lations for La»lie*. Tramcan* |ia«H the door every b«)f bo»r an*l J on Satanl!*ys and Sund*\-» ervrr ' fifs«H*u minul»-., C. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. JFST HB<*K1VKI> from -lAI’AN S**«vr.il K <n*l i*l Co.ton Crape, Latest Styl« of Shirts ie d«tferent qoa!mew. As50Ftmeat of pimhln Te* Sei» a Speci*ity Jtpueee LaaUnu eal nam Car><« saiUbU for CbrUtma» Good*. «II «3SG $T8BCT. IlowuUia. Inhph— «, m. F.O. H* a U MuU M4. »>UI«