Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 55, 7 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Adv»*rti»ement8 J. KEMPHEH, pashicnabls Tcilcr SOTS lai CU>THI!S6 M aD* n» OEPEK G**i \ of Fit* Ck>ik • K Clf<ming a»d Repairiug X*aHjf Aw. Gitf jb* i Trad. 107 KING STR€ET j *$£'* j Hoooialo fel TLju h. dee> jO»B£K OF Wines. Spirits, | & Beers. HOIKL 8T.. U«tw«en Fort aml Holiday Presents The uniler*siprie<l le*ve to eall the atienlion to a larue *»- so.’tmeut of tasteful anil eleg:int Jewelry, saituble for Christmas Pmente.

Hawaiian Pins ia dirterent «ia5e». Hawaiian J ©welrv a «p«cialty. \ — If you «ant to boy an el«gsnt •nd at the same time an ineipen* nive CbriHtmxs PreHent. eall An»antl and innpect ray aloek, THOS. LIND SAY, Woek, Fort8l.Hoa#hit« d«cl lt Sans Souci

Hūl'EL, WAlKIKi, UOKOLULU. w, First-Class Aeeommooations for Tourists and lsland Guests . SUPER/OR Bā7HMG FaCIUTIES. Pr*nt9 Cottagn fotjF9rnXēS m T.*A. M3IPSON. o*t9