Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 55, 7 March 1894 Edition 02 — VOX POPULI. [ARTICLE]


The Verdict ol’ the House Tho McCrearv resolution eti dnrsing tho c<<nrse (>iipiUed In the j>res*>nt Amenean adrainistn t;oo n rvuanl to Hawaii, j»ron r »uncing «g»in*t oitlier tho an nex-«t <*n ol the i»Um1s or an unC‘»nstitutioiial ts8(iraj>tion <>f : j»r <l«ctorate ovor thera, aiul <1nouncttig the infaraous abuse o p >sition aod «sorpaUii» ••*•*■* nm j>rosi(Ie«itld au thority by ex-niinister Stevens m j»r ict cslly in>«kmg w.«r ujhm the »1>1 *.|i«'(l nlul constitntiooal goveninient k» whioh he wa> «ccrt (iit>-»l hm (>lenipoteutiar\ d»j>l(in«tic acont, j>as.s»>d th> H*iwe of U'i>res-ntatives oi \Vedu«‘s.h«y ln,st with«>nt an\ dīlficilty.‘ notwitbnt«n«ling that the lr cmls «>f the iucriioinate«l ex-m mst«raod t«e Iea.l«>rs»>f th« re)Miblictu j>.«r*v exh «u-Uul a( tlie ieehnieal j>arliamentarv re80iirc(,s at their command i» ord« i t«> defo<«t or dcli«v the \ote t/nlv seventy-five iuera\>erN v«>teti agai»st tho resol«tion, thu d«mon>trsting. «»n the verv ti«>i ci>jH>rtuuity t«at Iheie has been ol g« tti«g au exj>rvi«ioo of oj»imou on the inalter, that the conrse punoted by Clevelaml h«s the ei(dor*eniei.t of itis j>art\ aml ia sal>f«otor>’ to the r»'j>resentatives \ f the Aiueric<u jH'oj»le tn C >agrv-s asscuibitHl. This effect»vely disjK>s«>s of the uieml •ckuh fanf.»n>nado waieh has b«*e« kej>t uj> for iuonths |>ast in Ihe eoluntns of the dcgra\ted. M»os\tioD*t «ud e*>rrnj»t j>r» ss, *>f wlneh tne S«n Franeisco AV<t i the N**w Y«rk »S», n ,»ud tiie .1 I\'Iice ir\iiftte are h«>nor etl r» preseulat v.»M- Tbose dis cr\Hlit->ble publ cst.ons h»ve j dir«H-ti. atlīnr.v>d aml indireetly iraj>l»«ti th >t the Fre.si.lent w»s in this ui.itt*>r j>nrsnii»g a |K»iic\ «ineh was p’piignant to tf»v co«ut aml nn< «t«sf ,cl. rv to his f>arty, aud whieh wouhl. wheu o|>jk>: iuitv j>r» s>>nte\l. t>er?podiat«f«l by Cougnasa. All t<»ese st «ten ents w<rt', • f c«»arse. sj\cco ; l »ti\e ad>ueas«ivm«nts <>f existing [ - ‘«t n e-.it aod tiisir acev«cv w<> H >tly euat)euged by )\a|»ers likē l tbe Lv'utsTille C«urirr JourHnI. f tli» V«>rk /' •»#, Ihe K *ns\s City T* !«(■», thc S«u Fr ue.sco T -rm 7W«r and ot her publicatiuus ; wb»ch appeal to tbc >al*-Iligeocc. co«se:ei.i'e aml lutegrilv ol Ihe c..i,;iu ui)ties iu whieh th> v ive V\’h»ch c.«S' of pob!īcat«ou > nn»st «ccurately in toucb wilh * »«irvuf< bng «enlimeol ean be gather«d by th« vote «>f Wetines- | day Iast »n»l a poj»ular v«>u> w« u!d _ b« cven n3(»rs eraj»h«t e Thi* | c«»antr\ is c.-t coatr\>!led by »ts ] bo»d)ai£s. row«hea. i rix*> fighters |' •lul eUj»|K»rtenii.f c£(*ial Jobbeiy, though tbe M»ssu n streel organ j * of tt»« <if‘ni ino*dt ro*y thu»k , th«t it iw Of course ««• «re prc- ,! p«ied to h«M»r, when the jourtml 1« ist»c bUckgnatxl« recover tbeir; wind. lUt luoamueh u th«t U>« !. > rCnwr\ res >lutiou due« not | •ath»iixe Ihe ie*u nUi .n o( Lilin •’ okaUai by luru* tt u »ot «w * (

«r rf C!«*T«l»edT* p tiifT B«t f! ere m ti»e «ooagh ior t at, k «■! ineiK*». Tbe ioti> f r i» • b>nt to Honolaln. Th»-nf i« rewoa to l» wr» »*'•» the *sd *»frecl«rer» there h»»e heeo iomIm] «> to tbe «oticoent« of oar people »d<1 oor C ngre»« br Ae l>lackgo*r«l piew. "he rote < f Wif(ioe»Ur sh oUl iwlēeeiie then>, !f il dt.*e* not r-n.pl yn.r-r;t f pTe»*;re wiil be con».dereJ m dae tiose.