Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 57, 9 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

C ronoral ULdvorti8oment#i A VAST PROJECT, C0S2TA5T LIKE OE SCHODFEES— Aaile 0{jHtmtT 'ir iLL 0«nrjr to Ocr Incre»8:rg B3sioew »c<I tbe Grett Ikmiwl <f»o Ap|r«d»t!r£ Coa>rcoQ>tT, we b»re e nc!oded to offer »o op|»< rtu&'.tr to »11 |>«rt>es b»vng c*r t*<,—OCR LINK OK SCUOO>ERS n»-y b« seeo gJ r g rv-.r tbe IUR.fi Ieti to tbe.r ctmort e»rn’.cg c»p»c ty, w tb CLKAK. COOI *5b L.VIGORATI5G Fred r»pS b “' 9 ! LAōEE BEER «» “flnchor Saloon! " To »tcommod»te Oor V»rt F ! eet of Schoooers, we h«ve |>ailt » Kme, L»rpe Kefr gcr»t»r, Iieg»rJ!ese of CosL ime “^ELneliei,” Is thc ooly |>lacc where a Cool 01ass of Fredericksbnrg Bcor on «lraugbt ean be bad in Honolnln. Step forw»rd Gentlemon now i« the tiūoe. NOTlCE ! Tbe > Uo<ierB , goed h»s l(eceived fix>rn the E»8tern Sutes % Tlie L;n*Lrt b st Single Orcler of BILLIARD MATERIAL Evor Imported to tho Ialands. It Couclndos as Follows: Clotb, 3 grados; Cuos, as*orted; Cusbions. by Hloek. p«tout. Hillianl Balls. comi>osition and ivorv; Pool IUUs. do., do. Ti|>s. eiialk, P ckot C stings, witb loatbor and fringe, eompleie; l*ock»*t Xett>ngR, fringo and lonther; Ilubl»or Cover», Ccnrt riaster, groon and bUck; Xow Style Chalk Holdera. TriangIoe, Sbake B»lls aml Loathor Butt!os, l’ool Pins, Mnrkcra. etc., etc. Tho abovo Goods bavo InM'n Purchaseil at Roducod Kat< s. an»l tho Qudera*gned is uow j roparo»l to do any and »11 kmds of HILLIAHO TABLE WOHK at rv’;tst.>nable r*to> witb disi>«tcb. Alao new and second band l> II *rvl *ud Pool Tables f *r S-«!o. Ploase Apply lo J. P. BOWEN, Peny Block. Hotel St,. Honolulu H. E. 8( Bf^O importers:axd dealers lx G ix>ceries, Provisions AXD Peed, EAST.COKXEK FORTi KING STS. New 6oods Rec’d By ev«ry Paekel from tbe £&stem St*tc« *nd Earope. Freab C«lifomi* Prodoe« by evt*ry 8t«amcr. ▲11 ordera f*itbfally attended k>. *nd Gond* <ielivbred to *ny |»*rt of tbe city FREE OF CHARGE I*Uad Onlera Solioiiei 8*ii*laction Ga*rantecd Pot» OB«> Ko. US, T«lepboe« Ke W