Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 March 1894 Edition 02 — Too Thin. [ARTICLE]

Too Thin.

Tbe Ie*roe<l Attorncy-Gener»l Ukes «xcef lion in tbe Adrtr1i*er to oar remark* yerterday ab:»ot b»#» n**f'ect of «laty in ollo»;ng ■ the liS-?l «oit« agaio,«t editor Sfnitb to dr p. *nd he is reported to b*Tf o««.-J the folloving ruir , ve'loa« l«ngn«ge. It be«n the ca«ton3 in > thi» o»nnt-y for m«ny year« io ( ea***« cf thi' k*nd f>ir tbe pl.uo tstT- «tti>rn»*y to dr«w np tbe in d*ctra» nt. Aul 'B»> Enm, Wilh- a’e 1 Uvyer. h«s been gi»en ampie opportamty to do lhis, and b«s notd-»»e ' >. «nd of coar«e the c <se f r!l thn>ugh. I bwk the trooble to go to Ros«'s o!fice lhree tirac- in regvrd to the ■ m«tt**r, bnt he |k»ī>1 no attenti<>n i whate\er to pr»;p:iring the ind.ct raent. A!tbongh the case was, as nre all libel cases, brought 1 ia the mrae uf tbe G >vernra»*nt, ' it i« Ihe duty, hs I saul l>efore. t of tho p)aīntitTs att"rney to at- , t»*rid eotirely to the case. Tbe HnLonr\'» corapUint lias, of no fonuclation in fact. bnt is simp1y an atterapt to ra«ke ca{>itai out of a sraall raatter.” Tbrongh an inteniew witu the Uwyers wh>> have f>r the l.»st ©ight ye*rs Lold tho <>ffice as Attorney-Gc'neral and Deputv i Attorney Geaoral. we have arrived ut a verv different eonela 'ion from that of the P- G. Attorney-General. By agreorn**nt a specinlly ret<inod Attornoy may do the work of the Att< rnev-Gcneral, aml draw tbe iudictinerts in a crirai»al case. whieh ho is engnged to prosec ate bnt we would be obIi ;.'«-* I t> tho learne»l Attomev Genen 1 to show us nnything in any of the • t »tntos of tbisconutrv whieh roak *s it the dnty of the assisting piosecutor to do so. If Mr. U<>sa neglectod ta porfortn the wmk. f r whieh he was retained he s responsib!e to Mr C. B Wileon only, bnt the At tornev Oeneml is res|K>csibIe to tho p‘Ojlf for al)owing five ! crimiml case« |>rojH*rIv proferred n g ;i inst u raa n to fall tbrough. The A *t' >rney-G nernl is the only prosecuttPg t fficer known in law ainl in fuc t. If he de[tends on another man to do his wurk > and is dis ippot nted, be vet is • responsible for the ueglect of dnty aud he is the only person known in t!ie manner. When ; Mr. W. O. Smitb saw that Mr. Hosa dul not Lavo Uie imiict ments ready, say wiihin flvo j minntoH before the tiraeto pre . seut th"ra laj>yetl he shonld have drawu the;u hiraself at onee or if he cons)dered tba t circu*ost«uces jii5tified him l>ave entered a noUe />>• >v /in\ T.>«l:ow the ca-.ee t<» fa 1 thn>ugh simp)y b»»* c«nso t io pr>>s»vut.ng officer did not do his duty ts a sc«ndal of soch magnitad« that it will tike soiuetbiug raore to expUio j 1 1 s a t i s f a e t o r i 1 y to tke j coramu iity thau Mr. Smith's state«m*ut “'lhal the HoLOM A m«kt>s eapiUl o t of a nuiail > in«tter.*’ If a crimin«l ch«rgv «g«inst « citiz *n f >r aa offvnoe for wb-ch he eau be punisheti with iwoye.tr» impeimmmeni Ls « sin*ll «:«tter m the eyes of the > K*arne».l gentiem«o who has been \ p)*ced ut tlie bead of the execottve Ia« brauch ol-tbe govern- < (ueul, wa shoa!d like to kno« < wh«i h< ooMulen * great m«tu*r. 1 1 Jf crimiuil >ibel saits in his eves % • ) t! . A matternf siuall imp>rtaice 5 we *otiJ like to koow wby « 1 c«se of thal eg»inst the editoroftbis l'*P»»- r c«refuilv * carrie i on f."v>ui term to bfrm aad c«refally pacetl on eaeh ‘ and every c«leujer. We ahoaia be io«tl to Ihink that thel»arucd *• Attorner G«uera) s arl»Jtr»nr l * | aelion iv to be found in the faet. * that the dciesd nt in ihe cases. :h«t ‘Meli thn>agh” is tbe **pct s ofthe P G. while tbe camplain«ot > īa Wdst-n «cd !hat the JefeaXiu; < t m tbc aa ; t vhich ‘ goos on :s * the “|<est of tfae P. G & while the eomplaioanie is—well, the hrc4ker~i» ia*r ot the , 1 imm*eulate Attorney Genera). |» Bd th* ineompar«ble inlelli- > <i g* nee. iatagrity, wmiom, hoe- ■ >

■ »*>d r*«t of *}»• : , scr ru»‘2r*l v;: ■ with «Uieh »e »» *«?ld tb'J ū« ‘ V»’’ of lbe Lcat!ilo - j e!od«« «iy b»«*» »r»|>iciota bim o( i a*;ara ibor« iqdieakd.