Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 62, 15 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I A clverti*somrnts dEKMT tjraifSe deFOing Laio. Estir.iU«s girt.a on &H *i&ds of {5tone, 2oqcre‘e 5 Piaster W(tf\ C NVEriT A SpD'I\LTT. JNO. F. jan!7 3m WH. DAVIES, 1 \ic:irer, AND "\Vrecker. E*TIMATF.S and COSTBACT9 ox aLL eixw of woek, Tbe ?choooner MAHIMAHI. •ill rnc twtv<«n tKl« j«rt aftd 'V»i*!ii« Ra««ibapui. .aK'kalna. Kaweoe) and K ki «. n th» uUn,! u( ( aho For f tghl, ele , *priv to tbe C«pUin. Best of Keferencfs—Imjaire at Offic • of J. S. W»lker, ov»*r Sprec’; •!»’ Baok, or Wright Bros. Furt S • rcet. dec lf. t( LEW!S i C0. Who!bsale and Retail Grocers AXD PKOVlSION DEALERS. FRESR CAUFORNIA 5ALM0N ONICE By Erery ban Fn;u-irfc Stc.iraer. Salt Salmox IX Barbels a Speci.vltt. iii F<. rt St., Honelulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 2gj. GHAS. CIRDL£R, Importer iui<l Commission Merc*hant. SPEC?ALTTES; 3. (e P. Co«ts' Maehi&e TLmd J.. • a* Brocks' M»rhmc Thtcad E.u-houP? Lineu Thread P»»rs' Soap. P. t>. IL'i 358. Mntiial Te.Vphone 356 13 Kaahnr.'snu Stn<;. Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, anotber Invoice of tlie celebratod .IOHN WEILAND exj^a PALE LAqEq BEER, Also, a Fkf>h I.WOK'* 07 C\LlpO(^NIA oysjE^S: 7oa °Y S i COCKJA\lLS L. H. DEE. Proprietor. WO CHAN & Co. Mercliant Tailor j Kiog strvvt. Tbora»s Block, next door to Holomoa office. Al) Suits Guaranteedi I to Flt, and IN TflE LATEST STYLE- j Ckaa«4 ap-1 Kep&imL ,