Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 63, 16 March 1894 Edition 02 — COMING EVEHTS. [ARTICLE]


Th.* Shado'w Cast Darklv i Before. l < This morcing fortj thr«>« J»p»ne*e Uborer» were brosght lo * Honolola from Kaoai is j>risoQ- ‘ er» while $:ity-or.e were eonnne-i ‘ in the Lihoe J*il. The Pn>- 1 TLsīonal GoTernmeot his heeo > repreeenled by a raar«hal, s de- ' pctr Attorcer General, »n in#pector of impnneee immigrwQto an«l an inteq»reter. aad vet things ■ are left io a mo«t cndesirable { condition. I» thU &» im»Unce of ' '• improTed’’ government bv re fortn men ' We h.rd!y thick so. 1 Let us eiplain the s:tmtion to onr readers. and they will onee more rea ize the d.iBcalties nnder whieh any party laborers who trr to nse tyrannicai raea«ure« against the men indnceJ to eome here tbrongh the pronrses of the Planter's Ass<>ciatioQ oj its , ol>e<lient tool. the Hawaiian 1 gorernment. Sometime ago the Honolnln autborities wero infonned that tbe J.tpanese laborers on the M tna plantation, Kaaai had straok vrork. The r ‘ason was gireu that a “haole’ luu.i liad abn«od a .īapaneae laborer, h a«l beeu arreste<l, forfeited his bail, au«l Lad retarued in bis position witb vegeance in his eyes, aud witb the deterraination to make somebody snder. The Japanese strnck \rork. They refused to eomiuue as honest oasv- ! going, every day laborers woahl have done. and they demanded that the laua iu «jnestion shonld ; be eismissed. They were neither : to be j>ersuaded nor to be bull dosed, and the result is that 4J are in Ouhu jail, while 61 have been confined iu Lihne jail all | charged bv breaking their labor- '' eontracts. We do m>t, by anv | rue.»ns, ujihold tho laborers who , gather togethor and make a ••strike” but we do lake lhis opportunitv to lift a warning voice. ami to tell the meu who bave got intorests horo that thev , * aro living and sloeping on a ; volcano. We are awaro that the Ail '■ •:erti«er always tries to diseredits j the sayings of the HoL(>Mi A--but nevertheless we get there everv time. —