Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 64, 19 March 1894 Edition 02 — THE PHILADEIPHUNS' CONCERT. [ARTICLE]


A Fair Hoose. Bit Good Performance Ttew *re Tery few whieh h»ppen in th>s city. where Ihe pnbl:c niay 1\\r\y well feel th*l they »re contribnting to a r**«lly d«served an«l general * ch»ritv. brst, tii*t whieh ca!le>l for the b-—t exhibit of »n opet» exhibiti<'T; < f their d< «ire to g’Te ?t.eir <iite ( r cbar:tv « <ike w.c> the b»*n»-bt eotertain teuileml by the “bojs, in bluo' of t < Phi! <1 phi 1 Miū'trel Tr< uj • «n Silonl*y t ver.mg Ust at the opem n-’iae I rtie w. •-f tne I 't*‘ J• ! Kiulnne an officer of the de l*-otive poliee. br»ve »n«l deter mme»! aml wbo K>>t lr.s l:fe in tbe line of his d.;ty. Tue only pemou preseut «ho h.-«d, t*r d»M*a. offioially represent any eonneelion with the polit*e department w.is ex M*r-hal JH. Soper, under whom. in oUen times Kaohane ha*l serve«l. To {>a«-s t» tbe evening’s ent**rtainment: the tlr>t p .it eonsisted of, besides the u»ial o{>en ng chorns, ele. of solos by W. J. Shine, W t. ('arson: h. O Nieil, F. Loeke, J. D Welsb and F>. Cronin. All of tbe eri *rts were well received and bouquete were lavishly disjtensed. A tableau of ; ‘Liberty enligbtning the Missionaries (they own the earth) was fairlv well displayed tbe electric etfects by C C. Hennegar l»eing a great assistance to tiie j*ro{»er ar.<l appreciated display. Tbe second j»art of the programmo first iiitroduced the “l»ig f<»ur, Kooney. Welsh, Car son and O’Neill. iu a song and dance: I)..vis in a oolored clog; Ct*vie iu a most eomieal stump s;.eech, a hompipe by James Morgan (presnmably, bnt n<»t definite!y snpposed to be tha silver tonguod one), sulos by Cronin an<l Nowlaml; athletics bv Fogelstrom and W elsh. The jk rf rniancewith acrearoirg f*rce, the “ Haunte<l Ilonae;" ch:»r«cter» bv Carson, K.*oney, Coyle, Weloh, A(iin-.s and K*»ne. ll is hard’y necessary »1 t<» s»y that th“ njvning choms aml “curtain r;»;s-r" w «s j»r .v.>kahle nf mirth by the eff.rts of Mea8rs C*>vlethe interh»cul.>r N<!\\Iandand \Velsh, b»iies and R»*oney aud O’N’eiil tamb -*. never. O, never f>*rgetting the Flagship l»and. Tbe ‘ beneficia rj w a s in p. g. service. the HoLOMi'A w.ia presei.t, btit noue. or fe»v. of the missi »n iry tr b•- Tm resalts •’r. s- \v* re