Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 64, 19 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

OHEAP FURNITURE i VI!VG FAT * Co. Corner of Kmg •*»<] Betbel St*., Honolnlu, Otfer % Iarpc Jiw,rtrr.ent cf £nc > •od d<«ir»bl« 11 HMT1 wbich they *ell *t • T«*ry low figore I*or*5«UH. Meat S*f*" W«rlrol>e». etc., *t prices to »u»t ererybody. Ca!l end ia-ject for yoarbelre*. mar 12 VIXG FAT k OO. N^-VU-^O^A Jl>T HECKIVKI)fn m JAI*AN S* i »-er«l Kind of Co:ton Crape f Latest Style of Shlrts in ditferent >jtn»lmes. of porcelain Tea Bete a Specialty Ja{tan« se l.anU-m» and raany Cnn>-?« •>aitabie for ChriHtraaK C»oo«1h. «II KING STREET, Honolalo. T»J!!<■», IMl «7«. l’.O. B**i 3S6 Moloal 64«. &>il3 Im Holiday Prcscnts Tbo utMloraigne«l l»eg leave to eall tho att«Mition to a large nssortment of Ustefal and elegant Jeweliy r , s«itable for Chnstmas Prosents. I lawaiian Fhur IMns in ditforent sizea. I lawaiian tJewelry a specialt}’. l( yon want to bny an elegant amt at tbe sara<> time an ine\| ensive Chnstraas Present. eall ar\umd ami mspeot m\ stock. TH08 LIM) SAY, Ui!a>>niv HWk, Kort Si H >u<*iula iWI ti Sans Sauci Hūl'EL, MAIKIKI, liUXOLULC. & First-Class Aeeommooaiions for Tourisis and ls/and Guesi& SuP£RIOR SāTHI*G FAClLm£S. Print9 Cotta$*9 for FamSlkS. T. A. 8IMP80N. oet9 Manager