Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 64, 19 March 1894 Edition 02 — From Hotel Hitchcock. [ARTICLE]

From Hotel Hitchcock.

On Saturday r.igi.t Mar# a Hileheoek # #p*“Cial iiu: . Mr. \Vagurr, brauglit mU» tae po!;ct l #Utioa iq the fui!ti.lmenl of his * i gr.-at <luty aa au officer under ihe i.nmuculate P. G. a h>irse, a surrey ; ami f.»ur geuUooiea i>ccupyirg the vehic!e. Mr. Waguer—?pecsal of * ticer of Marsbal Hitchcock wa# p!eu#e»i; he had tuuleanoiher r.*id; r and be placed ihe four excur?ioni#ts uuder arre#t with that fet>ling 3 of fjn*te ever enj»yed by the dynai mite-manufacturing brotherh>>> d. 3 The treatment of tbe foar arresteo e t:zena «ill be enlarged upo:. wheu Ihe c-i#es again#t them are a j natter of ihe pa#t ll is nei her r;glit n»r pr>»per U> prejudice our 1 youthful judgj or our infantile 1 pr>s-cut»»r (the S C.).tg 1 in#t them We give a short resume of the tra.l I ; < f Mr. Ariaur \V>lder oae »f the ! vict:ius »f \Vagner. At 10:30 a. m. this morning, the case of Arthar Wiiilor chargod \vith violatiog the sectiou of ourj>onal eoile referring to fast aiui furious driviug was eal - ' | led. Semor Captain Andrevs appeared' for thb prosecatiun aml | displayed his usual Makawiellian) ’ i style while Mr. Wilder defended hiiuself. The prosecoting sonior | eapiain read the charged. whieh was probably nnderstood by Hi> Honor and the dofendant, who was dressed in a mat -ni: of business grey w re a ealm aml conij>osed snii!e •>»>,! >1i>Vnt m‘Oiu * j to scare vt.,ri'. % bCapt iin‘’ 1 \\agner>. < "od loi thc occasion : iu aA>'ack l>eard heaw boots ' . was tho fir>t witness ealleii by ’ j the senior captain. None of the two gentlemeu spoke Engli>h i aud ss no interpreter ! was iround the “gu-3sing” ab*Iitv of the judee was stninei! to the i utm»st. Ttie wilneS'<s f<r the proeecutiun—W igntr, Cr»wnii gi burgh and Andrews—trst:fiil thut Mr. \V od»-r sal >n ihe h;.cK- t •>; Ihe carri»ge aud tiu*t aoii>eb>dy e!?e bcld ihe n n? —ai d there;bre ; they uo»niro >usly he!d him g>ii!tr »f fast driving. F»r the d-fense Arthur White, Ge»>rsre C»vanagh and the defemb»nt te#5:fi*d Ihal there was n>» fi.»t drivu.g, s j that even it tb»*re ».n th» «i f<*n-iant eouU m>t b* gatUy because he didn 1 drive. The t »1 brain—poft*essing «eni»r | Iheo madr » speech in whieh he j cailed f»»r the »c»lp of Mr. Wuder. | becwose he claio>ed, thal gieotlem»n wa# mpoarbl« furtbe b»r«e'i g»:t. Fhe d*.!-*ndanl never aaid » word »nd was pn>mptlr «oqait:ed. | heeauae, as the jodg» al-! | th.‘Ugb he m:gbt be Trrv r-spon — «ib!e, a nun who w»>tn’t driv ng co «id:i’t be guilty r»f f«»t dnvtrg ! \nd ►> ended the W»gT!erian w»r j T»aj>m»w ihe s.miUr c»#e of C*ven.»gh will be called.