Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 67, 22 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Oeneral A cl vert iso men : ORDWAT A PORTER Robin#>n Block, U»Ad S*., beturm FoH anrJ HaTe Jc>.t Fff» T*d. jir I »1» . 4 ii;Tr '> llr fkclof R*R M11E£ Evtr ln;|CiUd to t> Coontiy. Comjri>u-g Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom S:ts 1»» Holia Oak. :*d >>' -V LA TEST r/Sl<r\S. E8PECIAL ATTEM10N CALLED I\> T ESE SETS: WICKER WARB, Beaut f'*l P f *s pns • f Wiek r »re. consist nj; of SOPAS t CHA11LS. KOCKERS eto..v»n ean get lL, in »nr FIMSH yo; iīt*sire. CHAIRS. Coontless noinl>ers of CH.\IIJS, iu evory >tyle, ir.cUuling Ol 1 lCt aiul UIGH CHAIRS. TAELES, We have li»d a ntiiubcr of calls f. r the»>e T.»l>hs. \vith ( IIAILS t» match. We have now in str»ck the inost BEAUTIFUL DINING R]QNI FURN1TURE EVER SEEN UEKE. Sideboards and -:- Cliiffoniers lu Great V«riety. rrDI V A. 3NT S D vans r*vered w th PORTIERS are becoming q'iite the n«ge in {•laoe ol I.OUNOEH tre manafacture tiiem to order. »nd h»ve a la»ge »U t k of POKTIEKS to ael ct frt»m. • Gre A Assortment of W0\ E'' M 1KL MA l I KLSSLS—Sj.»r*ug. H ‘ir, Moss. W..ol and Stn»w Mattres>es on hand aml made U> c»rder. L1VE GEF.SE FEATHERS . d SILK FLOSS f »r Pd ows. CRIBS, CKADLES etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and slz s. . COKMCE I’OLES, iu wood or br ss tri'umings. X3 E :F>.A.IEI1TG. Mattressos, Loonges an-l all l j'holsteTed luruiture rcpaired at r. aso> »ble r. U*s. CAB1NET MAKINO, in »11 its br >i»ches. by C »rnpeaent Workmen !MATTINO LA D •"! Int rior Dt*cor .ti g umler the Suj.enis.ou «f Mr. OEORGE ORDWAY. Our Gchh1s :.re F rst C1 *ss. and > ur j>nces are t!ie lowest. Come and be e nvinced—a tri;d i» s Lc te<l. Bei| ā‘2ō. TELEPHOXES: Mut* al 645 OKDWAY \ POKTER K »b.uson IWk, between Fortand Nuuanu AT THE CLUB STABLES. <4 CREOLE * Race Record; Fourth Heat 2:15. — 21,702. Made at Stockton. Cai. Sept. 23, 1893. bo*. ‘2.305 »it P! • Bo!l T5: D*m. nrmcr. Paena^?. » »1«. ih- iinol Aj-v v. 2 »; Trmnvt, 2i» ; W«lk« 223i; W.l*-. 227!; Ou.'. 224 «n.! al tbe Dmnfc» 2 17 »...1 V.jr r. 2 2* “UKHl'aW o.» k.o i wL'tr M ao<! muiI m bw. W«āgW». I.OV> p-win K; » T*ry * a-xv! pr>!"«T n<! - pmn..- M'im. Wiil r a Umilwi enui'w <»f »»«"* LU I V f?-V»‘ DO! ! AKS F»>K THES: AS*'V. j«T*b!* *i tiw •A wemee. Tru* !wrm* > .u brrd |a !S92 to fcntf-«ix duiw *»4 prj.t4o?.! ū>rty !•« «.» feb 17-im D. 11 DAVLS. I 4* E, 8( Bf^o IMI*ORTERS AND DEALERS IX Oroceries, ~ Provisions i A5D Keeel, EAST CORNER FORT* KINO STS. I : .... -— New Croods Rec’d f-l Bv ererr Paekel fn>tn the E»sten» 8Ute* and Eu^ope Fimih Cwliforma Prodoc* by «veiy »W»amer. AH ord«r» f* thfully atteoded W*. aml Oj ds deliveml to 4nr |ourt oi tb*» c:ty PKEE OF CHACOK. l«Uad Ord jc* Sfdteite*l afaetioo Go*r»nk*d Pola * OAm Box Xu- 145. T#i«yh»o- X». 91