Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 67, 22 March 1894 Edition 02 — A Change of Tone. [ARTICLE]

A Change of Tone.

TU S-‘'!r bcrct>(ord h»» powd iLe repn w tjlatire o( tbe īdma v <*, of tbe l»bortog tnan »nd of t i<> rifbli- cf the people. Tle ■ī *r1i*,r K-ing • p»per conln>l1« 1 by lbe tni&>.ion«rv planterelemenl defet:decl ali *srhich eoaiel eoneenlr&te tbe |<*er of guTernīng in lle l.aoiln ol tLe ' ‘eug»r-b»ron»’' a:id mooey<Tl o>en. l»ut, aoelilen- |\ tbe tw<’ goT«-rntneirt' organ« I <re changed lone. wliioh the {■ lboring e\tn«ct* froiu the t*o I «t* *i eehlona!» in tbe re»q»cct!ve eipon*' wili elemonalmle. Ju»t n-aii ihia ai.d pomler T!i»t h-lp (frorn Amenea) tbey eoolii only K J, * n by ac»jni- * -ee-nee in the c!octnne (!>•<( tht i tH vho huve mofi nt *(akf »n thi« e t ‘•ilT’/. >iik( tho*f »>ho bear arm* i» i/» d< t~ i , *httll hav$ tht mo*t (•< *•<>! ahov( >1* mano<f'menl : nnl t i-it annei»tion mant l*e b»d, if »t ail. on a hnaia tbat will m»,e Hanaii a» free frotn aboriK>ua! r ’e »s D»kota Arisona or Califoruiu is. Ume. Star Mar. Jl*t Tbe Ho m oi Lord» ia a tnodi- » v.i( sorvival. lt dutes fruiu the timo wl.en Ihe r cb ai 1 (iowcrfut i »>} « r cl« .» s elaimeel tbe right t • govern. aod tbe laboring tu»u. is m |h»1 ti« h! factor. ba>l not yet been lieanl of. "lle have cbai>ged <11 tiu*t.' »m</ <j< frn« < nt for /' f /<ij> taken (h< f<i>irc o/ for tkt /*. (,*. Adftrti*cr \lar. £2nd, Is tbo Sf ir bi(bliug for tbo sop 1 >rt o( tbo cap»talist.H w b«< a sbort while »go ol>ject« d .momlh' and fin -ncially to tbe attitude of tbe St>ir on tbe Cbineso «|aestion an»l tb® Americ»n League «lUl'stiou , Aml is tho Adverti«er followiug t iO |«o'icv of Samuel Damon aud l lay ing to tbe gallery > It wouKl 1 o of Kome iutorest to bo ablo to f »tboni tbe catise of this reiuarkabb polilieal aomonanil aud it is safe to bet tbat tbere is eoin frOinewhero iu tbe business. Ih tbo w«y did not the Star »t oue tinu> vehenoently declare tbat tbe true annex»tioniats would not !isten to»ny prd|io«tioo cf»nnexatson except tbo Hawaii;»us were guarautecd tbe full aiul cqnal rigbUt onjoyod by everv ittuorican oitixen. Tbe vioions 1 vdii.g II yi»hsts wcre tborougbly i\busod by tbe S(ar becanse tbev warucd the natives that tbo iutention of tbo »nnexationists v ;»s to disfrancbiso ev«ry Hawaii tu aml tbi«t tbe dreaiu of thotu v;as to bavo tbe Istands goreroed like tbe dlstrict of Col m>bia i«. And tbo fiftet>nlh amemlmonl to t!ie l'nileel Stat« v s Coustitaiion v. «s qn«»t«Hl aml cited ami enlarg»Hl on and priuted forw»rds and l ackw ards iu sapj«rt of tbe S’/ir lh«H»ry tb.vt uo u.an livi«g uuder t‘,io Stars aiul Stri{v»»s »s an Am«neau eilueen coald be disfrancbis«Hl Aud in >pite of »11 tbe Matherskit:ng «»f tbe St«r-editor and the prwel»m«tion» aud p)»tf«>nus printed »nd poblu«hed by bis L«<t»gues »tul l uiv>ns tb»t first and f«»remo«st we must s>H'ure »nuevation. he now eome» forvr«rd »ud s»y*. tb»t tbe j*niptt of Hawaii c*mu>l ask tbe l' S. Adruiuistr .ti>'u f »r aune\atu>n and tb«t tbo est «b!i>bed g *veruineai of tbe ls!ands is nol hkely io Ueeome tbe »geot uf » detuaud tbat is »īiu«h1 »t the ga ns aod fru ts of n»y «l overthru*. Wb«t is the «u«tter witb the man ’ He v;rtu«Hy >j»y« th»t the anoeiationists dv»o t waul anneialion. but ocly w»ut tv> ntn tbe governh»eul m acv ah»]»e a* iong a» run it Of course we b»n» kuown »11 along lb»t the qoeation of bemg »nnexed wa» » matter of secoudary eon»ider*lion to onr patiR>ts. yearniug to eome into Uie l'oion, but we bave oot yet seen »ny of them bold euuugb to eome forw«rd. »cd «dmit lUe «ofl īmpeacbment. Th«t w«s left to tiie editor ol ihe Siar. Tb»t ingenioat youth ia eomewhal ofl, wben be say» tb»t tbe people of Uawau caunot tn»»t ur negoiuio wttb Cl«veUad «»eept tkn»gk tbe Emiiaa

* f F •re«>rB Offi ••?. H» mie»Uv 1 f rp«t» tl*t lTf of Hi« i J it pmwM i« mtticg. iD<i u^got«- 1 1 «>tb Mr.CktcUt«l <ritbo«t t t e »«■: '.\oc6, »r.d *gmn‘ cf 3>J' i F M. H tcb. c;r.i»t*fr of foreipx» \ < *!&in. Tbat F»g1 ai»os w-» | , doly retrned as eoroy extr&- < ordin*n*. *n»i iaio«>ter plenipoi- j «ati*ry «•( Qo««n Lil:cok»l*ni. « his cmk'ct**ts beicg sipned by , i the Qoeen *cJ eonnt«nigued by , S*ina«*I Paikcr. Hawaiian minis- , tcr of F< reign Aff»>.rs. Mr. { - micisters *nd eom I miMĪonen h«TC been. and are. in | * 1 .« .V ♦ c<*ma)unicat' -Q »na D*£ott«tsoo I wīth tLc Lea«! < f thc p€oj>le, tLe Que«n. Anl inrtheraor«^ the .v.? forgel», tb»t atuier tLe Hnrn«ou *umint*tn;ioo. Mr Thor*ton. *_ *t that tnne not connected wito tbe ll*vaii*D gCTerniB€nt w* nt to W*sbington. aml was receĪT*ed ! v the S■* r tirv of St*te, wbo iisteo(d to Lis pro|<ositionit in rvj»<»nl te tlte *nnexatioQ of Ha w»ii *ed fiti4iiv Leii*ed Liiu to g*in bispoint. at le*st tbat wbicb f i.t tbe t*u;e l<««ke«i so. O* ves, if ’ < ILe Hawaiiai - desire annexation tbev ean L*ve it *nd cet it at their «wn tenus t> >o. I»ut tiu- tr c<in rest I assured tb*t no patriot wb<» loves the imlopen.leoee of Lis conntry «illjoin in a step whieh wouiol ( «lo auay with that independence | - u-.pl\ to ite the mi>'i«>nHries. Of coorse, tbe s liy yarn is a pro- | ( doct of tbe Star itself, or of, HO«neb«Hiy who Las wasted t me aud ink in a saccessful etTort to | . gov tbe govcrnim>nt orgm.