Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 68, 23 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


■ I I ■ '■ n»Ecr> . ;*• jp a! to th* wf tiie fi“i * l ■■ ■■ - Th«re is • cl'nd e«>aiinji to lbe p lUiea! b rixoo of tbe p. g. Don t t to *‘tonQ op too»t rrow tiigfat at tfae Ar ooni'. T i* Barea»n f lnf >rmat!on is, <»t.i to be, loekiup for roore m>oer. lt i» r» v p« rte l. from « Sc »1 rircK’* t'• «t Mr Wjj;.v i- t * 1« r* <*ailrtl. R .«1 t!*e U ■lohi'a ( ro*i ile jnr- to »tr.»ig’it, ■»i;■ i ti*e !itf>t, tw*s. (» **1 FriJ»v. »n«l tli«* ]>. p * to fa.*ve forg tten it. m tfao **b«M?nr.DCe. Thrre :h a ‘ gre*t h g kiok ’ :n the Amer>c*ii (?) L»iigue aneni tfa« prefk-ot pul! for |H>«>-r. Mr I> le Ti-.it 1 tfae V S S. Phi Nii-lpliii* tfais !ifu*rnoon an<l t!*e llig rvceirt-<l w»th tfae Unuai bo«iors. Mr Tfa<>mns il»»iitnger. tfae ir«ll kouun i> ack>tnith, *u 1 f<r ri»-r is ag»iu un.iLK'il tti attemi to l)u»iui'.v. Tfae weat!ier to-d-«y is deligiit- i f d -»nd t nr tu t*>«u are s.->tis fir»l tfaut H 'iioiulu is tbe Paradise of tlie Pacific. ()flic«*rs tn<l tn» n fr<«m H. II M. S Cbaiiipion, »tt nde<1 divine i s* n iee at St. Andrew’s (.‘atbedral tfais (ut>ruii.g. Tfae p p. pipers soeni to L«vo wdfully witbvld tiie n»-ws «*f tiie »rr» >t. 1<\ j>i*n.il satmuons, cf tfae « <1 itor »<f tlie llOLOMUA. Tfae g< uer-«l d«‘pro«sion iu bnsi j nes.s rirv!es is a t*'st t»f tfac pot>il j p<>v« rmui-nt ander wliieh H.«waii ».s aow luh rinp tiudor. Col. Jim. Sherw«i» d s Loug ' Brancl> l{<t!isar»> the m<'st c»»n-i tinu.*Ily patronized plnee at tfae ft»uous Wmkiki beacli-tnde. There were S)iec:al services ! fa«-!'l t<>d iy at t!i*> N"tr • l>.inie tla Pu x. catlu-dral. unisiotl >»*nrices »dl is* luld m-xt Soud«y. • — Mr. S M I) >m>>n i- r»»|H>rt»*d ti> Ih> on tfae idpe of import:ng s"iuo ni>>ro i>rnaine»:t «tion t*> fais p n gnatdid pretuisi s it Moma- • ilua. Al*otfaecarv !Vi r . f t!:e Piiiia1 • dei|<fata faas b« en a s<>rt »>f “mig.*l m >l*.spoise ' t > v,-ver.il meiul>ors f t!i< gentler se\ dar«ng fais stay faere. The »rr<st •<( tfae HoLomi'a e»litor w <s acconij» , )shed iu a [ p'»ntleman!y w y by Oaplain An- ! tlrev«. Tfae cast> « ill tivnch very < prob .bly n|H>u the iiborty of Bill 0 Smitfa. The (> ifau K«ilroa<l C >, is now iu a nn»st prve>j»«T».»ns coodition. f Tue penenl ui tUMgnnent aud i*v rs**emp of llie cariyinp <<ut of the d. tails «>f l>ns n«*ss I cs»n*l ctod bi« resultfil very l*ene- | fici»lly, of laW f r tfae IL>.iti. Ti<E aubas : .uee*>!ike roanner )u »» iuch t* e p. g, eomiuel artjirs is ! ofao«a bv tfaeir uon oheemmee, iu t>flic:al noliee. - f lh«s h »lytlay, (i'HHi Fr dvV. Tfaev Jid sfaot uj» t »C»r offi»H?s »D IUe ;tfl TIMV»u bst ttfa«-UuT bv «»rtl> r of K;np or , B »faop :s unknown. ______ Tfae poli«re doparim«nl h«ve, rerv sē**u fil to re ie»e ! sfaiH»ter W«guer fro«o furt«.er; |>atxol daty “F><r tfa s r»Ucve, uiueli tbanks C«reat ->s lfae Ho* Hiuuh ! <r ifae HoLovra ! j Auotfaer aeoop upoo our noprlns c;pleti ct‘tcteu<JHT«rit»r* An arrtst for ttt‘J-lu«n! Ju>t ihmk. poal e re«drr. Sti» tion. aud o«> n -liee tfaere-jf n »uy «<>ca! j»aper. v\ by ? Bec «uw the u-i«>(N«|H*jr U)eU were :«sfa uhs1 lu mnke a Iwonl 1 «»f »ucfa an >.nwarranUel. bat tmlj 1 R«a*ian aot