Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 70, 26 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

T\\e Rf(ize Brewinsr Co. ; > Pnze World ? s i"oir * ;tii & %iT iiL\GLiii J3rand Beer. sr. Lorcs. Ocr. i8. Is93. M£?'» 3Lcrayn ± Co.. L &.. . „ , Hv ac-lnU. H I. /v. Jr —We k»T* bmī!«J yoa % cr*pr ti th» /V ■ toBt>ancta2 (m Tictoty W'.*q by Un* An .£v ?!•« ASJ*.tTi* xlOX *ith UkW * EAULi. Bnwd ol Keef. 1 j A >-HEt*SER-BCSH PK" īNG ASvSOCIATION k <0 0 «0 c 3®L ■5 5 9 /cf & V<S >■ r> 52 0Tt« tS6HPfe ls f on.Uriug tuusk lut liu? UAl»Ll Macfarlane & C\>., />>r //«nniii’iiii Wiimli. M.r. 14 ‘2iiul.

LANDS AT ACCT!OX. Rv virtn<* <>f nn or»1«?r I»v the t'oart thruogh Ihe Chief ■ln»tice. H-n A. F. Jnilil. in r*’C’«ril to tl»e Ciise «»f W lLLf AM W V i ■> 'N 1 * W its »a, there will l»o soW at Fnl»lic A»»clion, at tbo Auelion IloomH of J tmes F. at l*i o’eloek noon, on SA11HDA\ A n ‘i s 1 S 'U. All tbosi« prw* misos siln*t»*»l nt K «neobe. K kilanpoko. O.ihu: anil raore pnrtic»lrtrly de8iguittod as follows, to wit: Lor 1 3.80-100 acr»*s L"T 2 4 ‘21 “ Lot 3 37.90 Lot 4 7.30 ** AH are p«rts of RoyiI Tatent 171 to i aul F. Manmi. IjOT 5 20t»ores Lot 6 '-‘O “ Lot 7 20 - Lot 9 M 50 •• Lot 9 54 .30 “ Ali »»r** p«rts of tboso pivuiis«>s conveyed bv Kiuueb.imeli:i I\ to D.»vi»l W -ll.HOI», bv «1**»><1 (l «t*-il D«*c. 29. IS02, «nl r**t* r l**»l in L’.i>er 16. p H' ■> 127 au»l 12i. Title j»orf» ct. I D-e«ls at the es}»ens«‘S of the Pn rch:»sers. F«*r furth*>r particul«rs »pply t«» . Wii.u.\M C Acttl. Att »rūey fui the Comu»ise««>ner. or to S. AI. KAAUKAL Coa>*niHsioncr. Hon-.lale Fel . ‘23 1S94. 2STotico-p-«r*Rj; rcr <fo*a tb K njC*?W. i rr.T t Lf.r: !V)I a I F|rn oi 'in | y w i. «>f• L*»ng Ka*> s« Waow 0«L », I shd.ll «rt (oi m« «ita fali fO»<f •-■( Aft‘-rc . KWAI VUtX i t*J 0*hn. M«r. Ath. 1«*. a t*r K-lno F0RS5LE. C< )ī.ts axd FnxJta»i»jr* xrroROTK* 2 22 <»al W «aeh tn*rw. •« “S t%T* 2 ‘31 Itn»l2.!t. "LwW 2 .<H “ imm ‘'Me** H«uo**ra ’ ?.It. *a 1 S.r.*» R «»' 2 21 T«»u<k-~ 2..10 , -Ua? »o 1 ..ib**r if»>4 3un«. «Iko. ■««« »tlT**ti Snt*r | . v .. lrf], tei>,<n».*i4ltiN««i >.it tv!h P .<m P- lk -o f ftiT -il» āeUM Bi«--h *’Mt-j im > X * » J-T'JT «rit5BTT iu b**wh »mi &rkL ■ »a*»‘T aai X» »»o h*» • hrtt»»r • Bni«. fcj Ta»< Kiaw' , «xtt T Lii," wap*!-mi. 3 auieh Cv*t t«f forther i*rtcuUr«. AITL V h> rAmnu».Brr U.r iV:l. WO CHAN & Co. Mercliaut Tailor K ing *4ree| 4 Tho»a.»s' B5ock, text Joor lo Hoiomoa office. Ali Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and IX TflE iaTEST STYLE. |Clothae UenW *n»l Rep»>Ted.