Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 1, 2 November 1901 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Claus Spreckels. Wia. G. Irwin. Claus Spreckels & Co., Bankers HONOLULU, H. T. SAX FRANCrSCO AGENTS—The Nevada National Bank of San Francisco. —DRAW EXCHANGE ON-S-/\.N I , RANCISCO—The Nevad.a Na.tional Bank o£ San Francisco. LONI)ON—The Union Bank of London, Limited. |I\EW YORK—American Exchang"e National Bank. CHICAGO— Merchants' National Bank. i PARĪS—Credit Lyonnais. BERLlN—Dresdener Bank. HON GKONG and YOKOHAMA-Hong-kong and Shang*hai Banking Corporation. NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA Bank of New Zealand. VICTORIA and VANCOUVER—Bank o£ British North America. Transact a Gemral Bankhi£ and Eiehanie Business Deposits received, Loans made on approved security, Commercial and Travelers' Credits issued, Bills of Exchange bought and sold. Collectioyns Promptly Aeeounieā for. Telephone Main 101 P. O. Box 683 fLRCDITfIGE STOOK AND BOND BROKEF9 & & MEMBER HOKOLULU STOOK AOT> BOND EXCHANGE 3* Office, Oamphell Block, Merohant St. H. T. DR. C. B. HĪGH DENTIST Philadelphīa Oollege, 1892 Offlce: Maaonie Temple Telephone, Main 318 J. D. AVERY 5 TEWOOKAPHEH. GENERAL. RERORTtNG AND TYPEWRtT!NGS Second floor Elite Bldg., Hotel St. Ai offico 9:00 a.m. to 5:45; Tel. Main 76 At liouse ovenings; Tel. Blue 2611