Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 12, 22 January 1902 — WATER NOTICE. [ARTICLE]


In accordance with section 1 of Chapter XXVI th.e lawa of 1880: All persons holding water privileges or those paying water rates" are h.ereby notifle<i that the water rates *for the term ending June 30, 1902, will be due and payable at the offi.ce of the Honolulu Water Works on the lst day of January, 1902. All such rates remaining unpaid for flfteen days after they are due will be subject to an additional 10 per cent. All privileges upon whieh rates remain unpaid February 15, 1902, (thirty days ,after becoming delinquent), are liable to suapension without further notice. Rates are payable at the offlce of the Water Works, in the basement of the Capitol building. ANDRBW BROWN, Supt. Honolulu Water Works. Honolulu, December 20, 1901.