Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 15, 25 February 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

B Y Y. SEALED TENDERS Will be reccived a,Ј the office of the Superinlendent of Public Works till 12 o'eloek noon of March 24th, 1902, for 10,000 feet of 6-ineh cast iron bcll and spig-ot water pipe, of g"ood quality, tcsted before delivery to an internal prcssure of 300 lbs. ]>er square ineh; also 12 6-ineh gate valvcj with bcll cnds to sland the sanie pressure, T2 6-ineh elbows, 12 6-ineh tees, 300 lbs. hemp yarn and one lon of lead, lō be delivered F. O. B. wharf, Honolulu, within sixty (60) days from date of contract. Tlie Superintendent of Public Works reserves thc right to "reject any or all bids. Specifications at the ofīice of the Superintendcnt of Honolulu Water Works. Time has bcen extended from March 7th, 1902, to March 24th, 1902. (Signed) J. H. BOYD, Superintendent of Public Works. SEALED TEIsTDERS. Will be received at tlic office of the Supcrinlendent of Public "Works lill 12 110011 of March 7, 1902, for 10,000 feet of 6-ineh cast iron bcll and spigot water l>ijH», of good c[iiality, tested before de-