Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 37, 1 April 1936 — MANY ENTERIES FOR DOG SHOW [ARTICLE]


Hilo'a first pure-bred dog show, whieh will open Saturday, A|tril 4, at the armory, is creating plenty o£ iaterest amoMg do£ £anciers who have entriea in ihe forthcoming event, when some o£ thc 'best dogs in the territory will be on exliibition.

Tickets were distributed among Bi.g Island schools sonie time ago. Any school priucipal who has not yet )'eceived them is re<iucsted to get in fouch \vith Albert Nahale-a at tlie Hilp Boarding scliool or Kenneth Byerly at the Hilo Tribune lierald and they will be sent immediately. The Big Island Kennel club, sponsors of thfs first ali-bieed dog show, is especially de>sirous that as many chfldren as possible see the exhibition as it will be highly edueational as Woll as interesting. There will be trick dogs on exhibition throughout Saturday and Suiiday, April 4-5, in thft Hilo jirmory from 10:00 a.m. eontinuous 'until 10:00 p.m. Saturday ānd from 10:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. eontinuous Sunday.

In addition a pure-bred German Shepherd puppy from th.o Edward Wagner kennele will be awarded to some lucky boy or girl that attends the sliow. About 175 dogs of practically every pure-breed variety will be tntered in the show, 75 o£ whieh ar& being sent all the way from Oāhu an : d' about 10. eutries are from Maui, making tliis a territory-wide eanine exhibition.,