Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 39, 15 April 1936 — SPECIAL GUARDS PROTECT HOLT [ARTICLE]


Two customs ofl'icials have inain tained consiunt guard at the Queen'a •iu. lionoiulu lo yrotoct William liolt, wounded invegtigator, i'iom poasible atta,ck by meaibers of au opium ring, according to J. Wal- ! ter Doyle, ; t'olle<j!tor of Guatoins. r ~!Ī lolt. knows too mueli about opium operatiorīs," tlie eolleeioi- said, "and so we are protecting liiiu." The agexit was v,oiuided laat Wednesday allegedly by Joe Kubey, asserted "king of tlie opium traffic in Honolulu," who later committed suicide by jumping over the Pali. Doyle said protection was ordered to prevent any attack by members o£ the hui said to h9,vo been' led by Kubey. ,■ "We believe that Kubey intended to marder Holt and died bclieving he had auc'ceeded," I)oyLi said. The collector said he tylUed to that llie wounded agcni tuld him that aAter the shooting Kubey ahouted : "I got you, you aiul I'll get that Doyle and that other feliow." Doyie said officials belīeve the "other £elIo.w" might have been C- T. Stevenson, narcotic chief.