Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 3, 13 May 1936 — Honolulu Ball Player Killed [ARTICLE]

Honolulu Ball Player Killed

Ra.vmon(l Knlimhino, j>ovmd iīawaiiun alhlrt<\ storn> crntvr oi' a football controv<M\s,v rlnrmfr the last wason an<! halt l»t'oth('r ol Jos<>|)h Kahawai, who \vas kidnapccl »]anuary 8, 1')32, di('<l at. k 2:(KS last Tm i sda.v morning in tho QiH>cn's hospital as th<i rcsult of injnrios supposedly suffort'il in a fiirht at 2(>n:s Ladd Lano. Honolulu. Four Sanioaii men, arrosto<] in a taxi at 2::in tho samo morning, boing helil for invostiffation. Ko]>orts in<H<-ato that Kaluahino \vont to tho houso at 2003 Lad(l i Lane about 1:00 o'eloek in tho nrorning to |>rotost abont noiso coming from a party in progrcss therc. (f Shortly aftor 1:30 polieo who had been dispatched to the scene found Kaluahine lying on his back in the front yard, breathing hcavily, his face swollen, a pool of b!ood 15 feet away from his lx>ny. A surgeon who exaniinod Kaluahine at thc Queen\s hospital said his skull, jaw and hose \vere fractured, He died \vithout rccovercing consciousness. He had boon bleeding badly from thc ears, noso and mouth. His lip was deeply cut and one.eye bruised. Near the spot \vhere they found Kaluahine dying in the Ladd Lano yard, puliee J'uund a sau horse, from whieh one leg had been broken, and a pieee of coral rock—instrumonts bearing suspicious gtains of blood. They woro takcn?to poiiee headqimners as evidepce. " lnformation that four men had left the house in a taxi shortly l>efore 2:00 o-eloek was broadcasted from poliee headquartors to patrohnen at 2:37. Threeminutes later poliee !ocatod tho cab at 753 Kopke street and p!aced its four occupants under arrest.

The Samoans held b,y polieo were present at the party'going on at Kahak'\vai's homo.

Kaluahine wns horn at Kalihiwai, Kauai, May 11« 19<W. He would have ī>ecn '27 ycars old on Monday of this week. On March 11, 1935, he startcd work for the Mutual Telcphonc Co. Hc \vas employed at thc time of his death by that firm as a tractor drivcr. Hc was inarricd and the fat-hcr of two childrcn.

Dnring the j>ast football scast>n he played footlmH ag?unst Pop AU Stars and the Detroit Lions. Hc [was a tarkle, piekwi for the honoi*}iry All-City tcam last season.

Funcnil services \verc hehl Thursday aftcrnoon at the Kawaiahao Chuch, Honohilu.