Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 28, 11 November 1936 — TARO VALUABLE IN MANY WAYS [ARTICLE]


Tai-i>, stai)l.c food of thc Ha~ Wiuiaii people Xor generutions, is destiMt»tl fyj* .soinethiug more inipoi*tant than ineio eoiiversioa into poi, A sourc\' of . Yitftniins B ami G, the lo\v)y tubor could, īH'opei* ntU'ticion anel idevelopnient, fonu th<* nuclous of a new Hawaiian in<lustr.v and the world niight bot:t a ī>ath to the factorj" lhis in i*fk>et, i.s the highest of a report ,siihi)iittc''l this week to th< 1 AAA advisory connnittee hy I)r. OsearC U&ilireetor of the U. S.. Agricultural e.V])eriment stat?on. Ihe rei >ort covors projects ot vario«s t,vpts un<]ertaken last year w|tii >.UOO, of gygar prowssing tax Wnefits. and whieh are still goinjr for\varJ. - Taro investigations fjgure prt>ininei)t].\ in I)r. Magistad's report, and of outstandmg importaneo r per}iap>, are the many vahiab!e u>es to whieh the tuber xuay be put in addition to poi manufaeture. ' , Fii*st, Dr. Magistab sa.vs it has boen eonclusivel,v proved that taro ean be readilj" and cheaplj* cooverted mto flour whieh eaa be iisetl as a base for many products. His seeonlt Voint is that bread conttiining 20 i*ei' eeut taro flour is preferred I>,\ i»ost of those who have ?istHl it to oixUnary bread. It "" contains more moisture and feoeps fr\wh longer than vvh»>at brea<s, he ud<ls. He iMMnis out that taro f!our ean aiso Ik 1 used with uiarM j>ueeeAs in making eookies % eakee dousrhnms. iKineake floui*s and a Yery drink of the ma!tul :nilk tyj>.\ No*v brides shouM note, pfci&aps l>r. MagisUuVs statment that u&o i'knu- is not well siutevl for muffm> aml buseuits. Attho*ug;h a jt*h>l souree ©f YitaM»us lWnd G. Dr, Magistad p«.»ints out that taro is a poor souive of Vitamin A Hovvwer, he eotunu v nts, taro ; eoniains muoh morv v ealeium than jriw the eakuim i> well utUk;e*i īn nuihunii Wnes and teeth iu ' t?K īvx*.v. .\srroupvif p!anta. . Uon ohlKlivn eaUPg rice were hnuA te bo less heahhy than r iji\>np eatirj: S: n. :iiv now Kung ntsdo to • fhe , . t vu' m*»re i'|oar per -i:u. A īoint <Mmmittee rejnv<enting īhe rt'jveivity of II w«i aml naneiai iiiteivst> of the territory w.i"» r*Hvntly to jKV<sibiUt\ of j*ivatty ilk" territor\, YVank C, Athert»*« i- ehauma^. One «»f thv 3P*xt movev in this ,i>n- lion ma>" V ot a e pilo: for tasv nia v Vv?fAc;ii?v !>r.