Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 41, 10 February 1937 — Ka Hoku O Hawaii Staff Enjoy Dinner [ARTICLE]

Ka Hoku O Hawaii Staff Enjoy Dinner

Eiiiplo,of Ka iloku o IIit" Wiui.gat.h<HC(.l nt thc Miui (JhopSui Uousc Thursu;i.y night to coh'hriitr thi.' first aiiuivcrBai'y of this ainoe it was taken chtirov <jf the pivsont nnuiugonioiit. Ono yotti' a&o Tluirsd;i.y the I3oku utnlor\vent a process of rei.in\!er ihe i.uai>a.gen ient of Mrs Hcnrictta F. Dixon nml Bernard Keiokeiio. A fe\v months iuter. whoii Mr. Kolekolio heoame s ecretar,v to Shoriff Henr.v K, Mavtin, he resigncd and liis plaee vvas tuken l>y ,Ta:iios Puuohau, aa tditor ei' the Hawaiian langna<jo section.

:>rc\sent tnlitor us woll us iklvci*tising numugor. Dnringr ihe na«t yoar Iho puiK>r t'<}uii>[uHi with nmv t.vpc uiul jthcr muti'ruil at)U thō first of t]iv* \ lhv> 51SOVt'vl nto the Tr;buuc- Hemkl buiJding. Tho ])aj)cr has &hown a biij . inrensecl in voluiue of b«sinoss nnd is forg-ing aheiul. lt lias b>on publishc.l in Hilo for nourl,y ;>1 years. Mr. Punohau presitlod ovor Thurstlay niffht"s dinner aiul gavo sin intorv>stingtalk tothoso prosonti iwiewin}? what hail boen aeooniplishod during the pust year, antl in thanklu£ the eniplo,ves for their services one point in particularwaB stressetl niul that unselfish co-openition given the paper by The Hilo Tribuue i' eraltl, whieh madeit possiblo to eontinne pul)iio;)jtion in the iV.ce of m:niy ob-tu.'lej-. Tlu>sv prescnt were Mrs. Henriettn £\ l)ixon, *Tautes Puuohau ■Mrs, Puuohau, Mrs. S. Auakalea. Miss A«;m<sAuukrt!ea, K-Mte IVsha Miss Harriet Brown, Miss .* iloen Mahaiula» John Orne]las an4 J. H. l>ixou.