Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 41, 10 February 1937 — Plenty Of Cars In The Territory [ARTICLE]

Plenty Of Cars In The Territory

There ;m v a]ino.st ninr nntom«}>ilrs;.for eaeh 6,40(5 s(ju;\rr milos The annual re|)ort ofautom<ibile regi-stmtion in the HawniinlslniKls the -.venr, r"lonscd ]ast week by Lē Koy ]il( i ssinfr of the Honolulu office of the Anioi'iean A«tomobile association. reve : ded total 54.0.'vJ cars in tne Territorv. ■'.'"■"Vq , The total nnin!>er of ta\alile ears nmounleil to last .vear, b.v l,<il'2 non-taxable pjovernmen'a[ ' v»hiel» v s. MotorR.ve]es inmhe)- Īr2;> on all the islanils. On Oahn alone there are 31,240 taxab]e ears and 2U."> non-taxable motor v«'!)ieles. ()p the is]a!ul of Molokai there are i>9S ears. all taxable- On Lanai, another tiny parsely i)opulateJ is]aii(],ftheie are 189 automobi3es Hawaii the largest island, has a total of T,r>4;3 automoi)iles; Kauai; 4,6*)7, anel Maui, besides 80 motorcycles. The total numb<?rof liearses and ambulances in the T« rritory is '2*21 and the number of bus(>s 470. Trucks in the Tērritory amount to 9,605 taxah?e and 113 nontaxable. / R,equests for thc report were made by the editor of the iean Automobi]e,VNew York City; chief of the automotive-aeronau-tics tradc <livision, "\Vashington, IXC., and the U. S. ch»ml>2r of commeree at Washingt.on, This is tlie first time that Hawaii will be ree4U'ded wiih mainlaiul automohile ageneies.