Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 45, 10 March 1937 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]



o Wuiolinu j^uiu)kou

iaar» Fi!cd u docuiiicDt.Duri)ui'ting to, 1«; tht* lu*t Wiil and Tcstnnient of th v iibuvtiilamml d«ōōtlent v w'Uh n Pi*tition ioi' jL)rwbato thmvof nnd issuanr:c oT ',Tustainciitar.v ,to Moses Ho-n; Tucgda t y, March 16th, 1037 at 10 o'eloek A.M. bcfor<> thc Judtfc of the Fourth Circuit Court, ,in his Court Koom, Fcdcnil Buildinfr Hik Hawaii, :s at)pointcd thi> timc and {ilueo for j>n)v.injr said will and hearing ull i)artics intcrcstod. .

ī)atcd: Hawaii, Fcbruurv, 12th, lU3t. Hy th<- Cou rt, G. Aio v ■ <. Clcrk Fcb. 17, 24, March !<>, 1U37 Thrce hundred windmills arc idle at Dc Aar, South Africa, wliei'e a the tamous "digger" hat, so famils3oo,ooo munieipai water plant has been completed to do their work.