Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 47, 17 March 1937 — Appropriation Measure $6oo,ooo Less Than Revenues [ARTICLE]

Appropriation Measure $6oo,ooo Less Than Revenues

Oh:iinn:m \Villisim 11. Eit<rlo; s:i"ul it will not l.H' noawaiw to ruisc t;ixcs to i'iuaiH'e iuountin<<\ <jovt'rnnicnt lH'cAusi k tho conunittt-i-'s totsil is sii>proxi'iiftto:.v $<>f.H>,Oo'J le«.sth;\r. tho ostimato<l rovonuo for tho hionniiun. Tho priiH'ip:il fv 4 :vturos of tho hill inolmlo sminoros\«' of in «n»ro]iifttion for Hio four tul>orcnlosis hospitnls, Puuuiuilo homo, Loahi llomo. hCul;i:iml Ma J holon;v, an upi>roi>ri:\tion v>f $24*2, J itUu ior tho Iluwaiian tliomosoommission, $1*25,0UC t'or tho Hawaii tourist hnroj\u, <»o for a now wharf nt Kawaihao aml for onl;vrKomont of tho tax »lojwirtinont» I No Nilaiw ratos mv pi\)vido.l o\ocj>t tlu % Ono ninth of ono |kt oont n'stor»\tion to torritoual om l>lo,vos offootivo us of »lul,v 1, lUIln.