Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 47, 17 March 1937 — New Scheme In Cunningham Bill For Poliee Force [ARTICLE]

New Scheme In Cunningham Bill For Poliee Force

Tt is thr jnt('Utiou liu' sulw»rvisors of thih Iooniitv n»t Thc Poliee; l)(']iiu-tuu:nt im lin i ■uwlei* the <'ontrol of thc li(j;ud •, Al. ]L'iist this i> whut thc Cui;- . .l>il3 intends to ilo .wheii it j>r<nitlt;s that a <k'siy;niit('<l aniouni iPor polioe v.xj>on<li tur<-s bt* si)ont, to thc tlictalcs of thō supcrvisors of tlu> o'i' Hawaii. This nuiuo liie . SheriJT of this CoJlit,v iih,soluti'l,v . subst'r yit'.ivt, to thc \vislK-s f'l* lht; siij)orvisors und if the j[jnn'is>ions of thc hill a«e oarriod out t> t!it-ir extronH*f itAvill moan ihat iho iShe-! I ril f s i>p\ver of men ofj i his ehoiee to officc wiU bc kuoek-! ed mto aeockod hat, if not ly curtailed The Cumunghum hil!, proper].v intori»ivU\l, wili almost s"ive the sui>orvisois ex-offi-eio powors of p.olieo ('yiniuissioiH'rs!

The udyiee'tf thi> Sltīl>c i» that the supervieors shoukl sta.y put in thcir own 'kiilohna" \vherc the People of this Oounty them and not encroaeh upou tho domain of Sheriff Honrj- K. Martin*' lf u sii])crvivors have souie fricnds whoSc ambitionis to heeome "the law' then wh,y not bring these nttm> lx'fore the Shcrifl' is williui; ,togivethose iiroi>erly quahfk'd a , ehanw io k'eonm "the *la\v , ' ! when «ik! īf he has suffieient funds to jincrease his foree, and if sueh int emise. his foree, ,iuid if . aueh in - . ereasc in foree is justiiieil.