Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 50, 26 May 1937 — BIG ISLAND'S BIGGEST FAIR OPENS FRIDAY County Fair to Be Held Under Auspices of Chamber of Commerce and FFA [ARTICLE]


County Fair to Be Held Under Auspices of Chamber of Commerce and FFA

_£h£ Biglsland wili wit«ess ttie largest and most woiUiwhile eouuty fair ever held here when unrj«r the jofnt auspicef? of the Hilo Chamber of Oommeiee aml the Future Farmers of America the fourth annual Hawaii county fair will be spoQsored at the Hilo Intemediate aehool this Friday anU Satunlay. Doors will be open at 1 p,m. Friday and will remain .open till 9 that night. On Satnrday the fair will reopen at 8 a.m. and will uontinue on till 10:30 p.m. Tickets costing 5 cents for elementary grade children, 10 cents for junior and senior high students and 15 ceats for general admission are now being distributed. One ticket will be good for seeing all divi6ions in,the fair includin.g the poultry section in the gym, fruits, eahe and vegetables in the auditorium, home economics, nousehold arts and woodworlv in the jcal'eteria aud a mo«TeT"Tīōūāē~"ēxhlbir"TiT the" Tēat'oī the auditorium. Gordon H. Scruton executive secretary of the Hilo Chamber of Oommerce, announced today that entries are coming in from as far out as Kona and Waimea. Earl Nishimura, extension agent in Kona, has made applications to send in au e\hibit of avocados. maeadaroia nuts. poaitoes and fruits from his district. " Included in the prizes will be several excellent trophies, an eleetric roaster, electric iion, and merchandise orders from $2 to $10. The names of the judges will be announced later in the week. The bureau of puolie heakh uursing under *Miss Jane Service will have an interesting display at the fair. •

~llommercia! Exhib!ts €ommercial e\hihits at the f;ur will inpluUo: P. C. Beamer. vou Hamm-Young (2), Standar<i Oil Co. 12», Sperry Fluur, racific Guano & Frrtiiizer, The Moses Co. Ltd., Hilu hou \Vurka {2j, Volcano Caiih & Carry, Hilo Rice MiU, Dai:ymen's Associ!ition Ltd„ Iluwa'i Planing Mill, B. F. Schoeu Ltd„ i. Kiugawa & Co., Union 011 Co.. B. M. Kaya, Ruildle Sales & Service Co., Hilo Motors Hilo EleeUie Liglit Co„ li & I auee Co., l'nderwood Ty|te\vritei' Ageucy, Shell Oil Co„ Ctmrles K. iiawaōHki, C, Brewer &; Co. booth fiueu to HSPA .\»u boani of UeaUU; Hilo Drug Co. booth to Tu berculo,sia Socit«l) oi' Hawuu. uul H<i*uiī CunsoliviateU l\Hilsvu.v bootU to HhwhU Nalioaal j>ark.