Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 50, 26 May 1937 — Diary Found In London Throws New Light On Death Of Captain Cook [ARTICLE]

Diary Found In London Throws New Light On Death Of Captain Cook

% ■ttkssetb peet * '

First delin ; tc clucs to thn myster,y whieh for 108. .veart has • purrounded the murder of Captain Janies jCook discovor of the Hai waiian was.rcvealo(.l y<'stordu.y by territorial urchivcs officials i upon receipt of ft photosstaticc py of the ship s ] umnl kcpt LyQapt. James Co]nett 011 his Islaud tiip in 1788. I Through statementf<i in Caj>tain ColnettV diary, hi.story ean point |an accusin£ finp:er at one innn-pn ūnidentified Ilauaiian warrior who hoasted t0 Colnett that h"is dagger hud dt,ult Caut, Cook his death blow, anel who produco<l as evi- f . idence a bloodstained, slashed sh ; rt .'" us <?ts ' . i ron ' cables and

markcd J C, No. <>. j SHIRTSLABHED | According to CaptHin ColncttV diar.y, the shirt had been slashctl at the waist as >f a nativo "pahoa* (d*jyyjer) had been thruat into it. The warrior brought the shirt proudi,y aboard Colnett's bark the Prinee of Wales. whieh was ;m--chored inWaimea, Kauai in Ai>ril of 1788, Oo!nett siid. Ho related. how he had killed Captain Couk and "woo thR shirt fai.rly in bat ♦ie.' 1 He ]ater presented the grisl.v tnen»ento t</the King of Kaual when he traveled there from lh« Biglsfey-wfrere €a~ūT'ain Co*olv'" h»d been «lain. That man was throughl,y dftested by the epw afier he had infoame<l us that he was the one at whom Cajtain Cook had fiml' a small fthot, r Colnett recorded in his journa T . 4l He ?bowed ns' . several marks made by the bu]l-' ets and aiso told us that he jfave ' Captain CooT~tße"l>lōw^whieh' •aused his death. producing the ! shirt in whieh he clttimed Capt-| ain Cook fell ihto the weter| whm he was attickeJ by native.s - on Hawaii. The shirt had some \ dark eoloml mark» as if stained! wiih btood. M f % | The »nemory ofCfiptA'n CookVj dcath stīll viv!|lb- ftllve m thoj iuiudi>of thesc Ētijjjliāh seainen,j who visited the I4ftnda on niae ] ycars after discoveixr! had met his death fit the hands of \ naiives. Evidence of tbia aninio-' sity vvas further J*ev€atfil in journal. ivhen Col»ett[ des><nbed 5 his men as "taking a sbot at a otnoe, whieh eonUitted Pahiwa, a, ch»ef who had be<fti pr*\sent the d»*sth of Captain euhk.** FoUivl By Donald The journ»l wfcs discsvered in London hy HonaW Angns >on of Gi v orgv Ansius of V«>noluīu % who is new doinii i'vsfsrch in t»ondoa ou earl,\ llawuiian lust|jiK;d u\ onls The copies *rt 1 vcp h- rv %errip.v in two volumvs, 11iey eonlnin the story of Caotaiu 00l nettV tlmv Itu «-nd i»s m«hterb sketJus uf the ]j» hi»ds and fish ani Uit\b wlueli he saw. Thvy will he inehuKu nT theClpt*m C<K»k Meinoiia! eoī - nt tbe weMw*. ' Aeeotuin£ to M\s> Vsudr Ul**»rUu of the lbv ioai> tMt wiii be iav«luAble to hi>toriau:who tre lryin|f to plew ti*ueth' r Hh» w«rrter roysterj inteted HawnU tr^year« In auditu ii to tbe d<cUil:v e v n COOK, Couk V\ »miriuii 1 f«« ia tV j in thf «Uy* whm a j«ht® *t?!l a nove!ty to ū e |natbv«.* Hc troati*ed Q*«? >vhd ikKwii l \»ff \N4th i»v«r>'«hin|r ttn\v oih.U tlnif h*> wmt#. | \c tVh*«-?t % tV» )u^\ l 4 x 4i at <i K«l«*Sv »Iw-il lb- UĀliwn* cut h<a «Hr<ht*r *fct hrl*t lf m W»tll th<r Hfc.t |*%| \ ,\1

jthe sh;p\s spoftkit]g trunii>et, - 1 B?atned On Shark Ciod ! ' lk /R w<* sai!od away, tho natives throngPd ahottf our shiji aml as--B«rM us" tfiat thi\v hael nad no ']>ftrt in thē anehor-CL»tt\ng '"\vrote C6lnett. '"The ehieftain carefull.V explained thai the great shark god and swum hy one Jnighf "and nipp t d off the e«hle," Cplnett recordtd u daring plan ,of.. mass mui\lei' in his jourunl % ' when the native,s of Kauai laid ;plans to poison the entire ship's .eojupan.v. The captain was warn by a Hawuīiuu girl that a 'poi.soner h&d. heeiL . alloted to eaeh jman in the ere\v, * and the plot 'was thwarted. T.iouble was also experiened-on Oahu when huge . war eanoes loaded w : th natives Jheaded fov the ship. ColneU ex(j>luined,that the Piinee of Whales Jiastiljk- weighed a«ehor "beeause. s the nativi) Warriors were tvvice a& j hig as an.v iiieiuh r of Uie avw, : «nd eapahle <»f earr.viug thē hu;>- ( kiest seaniau around in their ,arais." £ I The Prinee of Wales lost on!y iOne me»nber of the erew, who re;mained on Kauai "hecauss he was idesirou? of ni>rrying the chief's. i beautiful daughu-i\ " i .