Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 41, 16 February 1938 — Coming Attractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

Coming Attractions At Hilo Theaters

AT THE PALAOK THEATRE Tod<iy, last time kk Wallaby Jiai Of The Irilands ' with Maiuo Clark and Georgc Hoj3ston. Tomorrow a.ud >'riday "Stella Dallas" with Barbara Stanwyck, John Bolgs aiui Anne Shirley. Satunlay only "BigTown Girl" with Cluiro Trevor and Donald Wood.s. Sunday and Mouday 1 SuUumrino D1 M with Fat o*Bnen y Wayne Morris. Tue.sJay only tk There (ioes The (h-oom"' with Bu»*goBii Momlith and Ann Sothem.

lATI AT THE EMPIIiE TBEATK£ | Toi.ky a'ul toiuorro\v C:m*t Btat Love" with Preston Fostor a ul Joan Fontaino. "Bull-, DrutumoiHrs Revoiyto v with, .Tohn Eārrymore j I FriJ»y aikl Stoi) In" with Bol» Allou inj: Cowiu-vT with Walkor. j Sumla.v uikl "1 Covor< Tho Wur" wiih Ji>hn kk \vitli Tox Kittor # Tuoi*lai" onl.y "ilo»rt Now | Vork wiUk Al JoLsou uihl Muiijjo j ICvui.s |