Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 44, 9 March 1938 — Coming Attractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

Coming Attractions At Hilo Theaters

AJ TEE r&L,WE THEATKE Toda.v, last time *'52nd i$treet" with Kenny Baker, Fat PRterson and Leo,CarriHo. Toiaorrow, Friday and Saturd«y Reveuee" ,with Gie»n Morri$ and EJeanor Hplm. "5>unday and Monday "Manne(.juiiv' with Joan Crawford and Syencer Tracy.

, Xuesd»y aud Wednestlay, next week < ""You're a Sw.ee theart" ixeifh Aliee Faye and George !Mnrphy.

,\T THE EMPIKE THEATHE Today aiul touiorrow "Trader witii Harry Carey and EUwi«atßoQth, Frkifty anil BatunJay 4 'Ten L«ps To Go w with Rex Lease &nd Mnriel Evans. **Renfrew of Royal Mouated" with Jimmy XewilL Buu.day aiui Monday ' 'Salesiady" with Anne Na«jel. "Rio Orande Ranger ,,,, with Bob Allen. Tiies*h\ only *The Lady Fi>rhts Baek with Irene Her7ey Cit> with Ricardo Lort«e^.