Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 26, 26 October 1938 — COMMITTEE IS NAME D FOR SALE Organizations to Help Individuals In 1938 Christmas Seal Campaign [ARTICLE]


Organizations to Help Individuals In 1938 Christmas Seal Campaign

The island commtttee for the 1938 Chrīstmas seal campaign, to open November 2, was announced today by Luigl G. Gracometts, general ehairtnan. Memtoers are as follows: Mrs. EveIyn V. Sērrao, Mrs. John Beukema, Clifford Bowman, Kenneth Byerly, Clayton J. Chamberlin, Reuben H. Gockett-. Clyde E. Crawford, E. S. Elmore, Barney Pujimoto. Mrs. Ensma P. Giacom'etti, Kenji Goto, Carl Hanson. James Benderson. Eugene Horner, Minoru Inaba, M. Kasamo-1 to, Jrck Y. Kitagawa, Harold 3Las-' comb, Ernest 4- Father Mai-| tin, Fred McC©mi, Robert Moir) tl« Rev. Moses Robert Mowat. E.' A. Nielsen. Dr. Francls Peterson, the,

Rev. T. Davis Preston, John M.! Ross. th« Rev. T. Markham Talmage. the Rev. M. M. Valera, Mrs. Ronald K. von Holt, H. R. \Vahier,j E. G. Wingate, G. S. ,Wong. Also: assisting are the followitig zations: Boy Scouts o,f Ayierica. Hawah Island Girl Scoyts, Japaiiese Associatjion, Chaniber of Commerce, Junior and Aluxoai Tuberculosis Clubs, and the YWCA.

O ka paina no na poe wale 110 ia' 0 ka ahahui o «a kane ame iia wahine a o hulahula ua r.oa ia 1 wa poe apan. hoike mai kā alihikaua ua hiki af<!i uia leahi o ka. IUOO uiau iahi ma koiu m:i'kahik;. O ua «u--h;uj apan o uku ia ana o ka !:i II o Xovcmal>a e loaa ana no ka Makana IloomaMo o mukahiki. ' ' \

All eommUlee workers in lh.e ChrLstjnas Sea! campaign give voiunt«?r service, generously c§*tfri|>» _ uting limo and effort lo the fight agaiiisl tubercu]osis. Receipts of s»j?port "the'4!aaSC | nation-wide camp«iga against tu- , btxciUio§xs. . .... Concrete evidence of $JfecUv«ness of this campaign is ttae fact in 30 yeaxs tiie desth yate from tubercu)osis has been decreased two-thirds, the CSiristmas Seal eommiUee points out.