Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 27, 2 November 1938 — ACTIVITIES OF LOCAL STUDENTS ARE REPORTED Big Island Young People At University of Hawaii Prove Active [ARTICLE]


Big Island Young People At University of Hawaii Prove Active

HONOLULU, Nov. I—Mrs Da•yi{l L. Crawford, wife of tlie ire 1 dent of the University of Haw n was the feature speaker at a eampus women's assembly Thursday. Chizu Kurokawa of Papaikou pre sid€d.

The assemb!y was sponsored by Hui Noean, univrrsity -working girls' elub, of whieh Miss Kurokawa is president. "Mrs. Crawford talked o>n women's activittes in eolleges §he visited on her trip to the mainland tlus summer.' Esther Waihee, Pepeekeo, \\-as the general ohairman of a YWCAspo»sored Hailowe'en Frotu> dance held in the University gymTiāsiūm Saturday night. A senior, Miss Waihee is also president' of Hui liwi, girls* glee eluh, and serretary of the University*gi Theater Gulld. lmtiation Held Inltiation of the lneoming members of Hm liwi, with a luau in the eYening. was lieid Friday. Chairman of tne luau eomniittee was Priscilla Akpna of Kaihia. Pour Big Island students wlll he ROTC corporals this' year, it was' announced last week. Gilbert Loo, 1440 Kinoole St., Hilo, is a sophoaiore and eorporal in Company A. A aoeial seience major, he graduated from Hilo high school in 1937 Yoshinori Kaizawa, of Pahoa, 'will he a corporal in Company C. He is a freshman pre-legal student Douglas Hay, Olaa, and Kiyoshī Higa, Piihonua, are both corp< r 1 in Comppny G. Hay is aa neering major, while Higa i§ preparing for m,edicine.

Fivs]iimin Japaneso "wompn xvill be guests of W'akaha l\ai, uoniPn's soronfy, at a pienie 011 Sunday. Kiyoko Minamoto of Captain Cook, Kona, is assfstant eliaimian of the' cvpnt. ]\liss Minamoto, a ?xraduatp of Konawaena high schoo), is enrolled in Teachers College. | Korean Fraternity | I)aniel Moon, fornier]y of llonokaa. and Summer Cho, Hoiualoa, were elected presldent and secrei tary-treasurer, respectively, of the , new fraternitv composed of Kore|an men stu«ieiits urgauized la*t j I woek. Moon is a vo-calional a.cri-' cuJture major, and is a member of Saber and Chain, ROTC officers organization. and Jlip Agriculture ciub. ('ho is a juuior niajoring in Hubinc-bs. lOUipi- niemhevs of tho fraternity from Ilawaii islund are Yoon Yil Leo, īīawi, ami eiieon Dong Ko, •150 Kilanea Ave., īīilo. Ung Chock is vice-presi-dcnt of Yanp Chimg Hui, Chinese women's sorority. Miss Chock,. of Kamuela. grartuated from Hilo liieh school in 19:>4, and nōw is niajorins in vocational liome eeononiics. She is- a!so a member of the Homo"Ecouomics eluh. Chjnese Studenls Allianee, and Y\VCA.

Thomas Pedro, 486 Hinano St., Hilo, is assisting otlier members of the Newnian ciub, Oaihoiie student organīzation, in ]ilanning tlie cinb's pienie »npper to be held S«nday at Waimanalo beach. Pedro is enrolled in Teachers College.