Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 31, 30 November 1938 — Boys Prove They Can Sell More Tickets Than Girls [ARTICLE]

Boys Prove They Can Sell More Tickets Than Girls

| That givls ean fc" morc tickets' ' than boy> <iCk\- not ho!d tnio at' j pepeekoo -ehoo! īov thc rlrmcntary' huiel intonncdiato Txiys arc fat; | ahead' in thcir of tickcte for' the PTA Camlvnl whieh 3s sched- 1 for Saturdav, Dccomber 10 {at pepeekeo school. | ] Haruo Inoi*ye is itdūing al] eon- . ■ u st;tnus m ihe elemcntary divi?ion ■ | while Walter Chow is lcading the! | m«ermeāmte section. Tiie ieaaing j : girl candidates in eaeh rcspcctive j ' division are Setsuko Tomo?ava ■ and Terufe:o Nakamiua. j . Sciso Higa has not turned ia a j vot4 sinee thc sale of ttefeets ?om- J menced and lt is believcd tliat he 1 i is. secretly In the lead in his rc?- I pective division. At the end of thē, i weeK. a t>onus ol 1000 voies is giv- i • eu io n.o hic!icsi txiy and g»rl ca«-" 'dia:mes m eaeh d»vision. j 1 T!>e nie? h<vi Af vof«»<s ' , ,CC ■ . j-Vo*'v»» ue liuI iMh .•-< i to be abiC to pix»pnci.iae , 1 the Icadcxs arc lo oe forj vv!v. i