Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 34, 21 December 1938 — Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters

AT THE PALAOE TIIEATRK Tcūay, last tirac ' ""Phe Young in Heari" wHh Janot Ca.ynor ainl j Fairb»iiks, Jr. j ,i Tomorrow a«d Friday "Xiog of Aioali'a/." wilh Jyqlan and J. .Q|rrol Xaish ■ "(iun LaV Goorije ien . | jsatunky only . j * "Toiu»hdown Army" \vith līohn ■ Īlowardj Mary CarUslv and T\o!)ortCumming;s i Sandav īmd "Monday ' "Citade!"'v.ith EofnUind Kus-; sell and l\oWrt T>onat ! Tnosday and "Wednesday, next| weele "Mystcri<nis "Mr. Moto w \vith' Potcr Lorre a>id Mary Maguirc j AT THE KMPiKK TUKATRKj Todny and tomorro\v" "Fugittve Tor a "Night" \vitii' Frank Alhert!*on t\iul "ftleanor| Fynn j

Frklay only "Trāils Kiiel" wtth Gotntay TeaTle ' •*The I-,ast Express" with Kent Tay)or and !K>rothea Kent Satim!»y onlv 4, SpsftW« OT*ttK» North" \vith Gw>rse Raft > hv Lawmn- aiul H«nry Fo»uta 6unday »hd Mondt\y Traffio" wlih J. Carrul Naish a«d Mary Oarlisk' "Siiarpshoot«rs" wilh lirlah Donlevy and Lymi Bari Ta&s(iay onCv "The WlKile Town"s Talkin£" witii Kdwar& G. Robinsou and Jean Art lmr