Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 48, 29 March 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Litrīe Norwavs most ,dependable ally is OUi -Uan lee. Maybe that's ,>!)•• reason why she is treating Englumi's ofiEer of "protectiou" wlth m<zcn contempt. Gone on vacation Js Kenneth McGraw; He's expecting a vtsit From mother-in-law. miHle the world," savs our old frieii(l. Gene Capellas. "but it l.ad to wait for the Portuguese to <i?.«c<i\er it." ASTROLOGiCAL FORECAST Women are subject to contrary impuises and niay be d;fffcult to deal wsth while this conflguration prevails. That's not a forecast, it's a history.

Still nursinfi a headache is Miehael o'Shea; But he had plenty fun On St. Patrick's Day. BULL-E-TIN We have been -flaiting a long time to see Walt I>isney's Ferdinand the Bull. • Our patience is bēing rewarded. It wili be showing at tlie Palaee in a few days—and this is no bull.

One of our readers wants to know why we are always pieking on the Scotchmein, Brother, we f re not packing on them. We f re doing them a favor — and they like it Oa the dark. wet desert Sits Patrick O'Neill; Ctit a cortter too fast And busteci a wheel. 1939 Simile: As happy as a J«w in Germany, Another neeiled invention is a car windo\v that wil? automatically shut itself ns soon as it starts to rain, when your car is standiDg on the street aud you are a block away. OELUOEO A eouple of young fellows, WHh a yen for easy kale, Started makirtg te«s and twenties That *oon landed th«m in jaU, They thought tbat it was clev«r Te print themselves some mo n«y, But since they lost thsir freedom tt doesn't seem to funny. A f»AIR 0F SCOTCH JOKES The heiglit of Blmv ui«uioii wouia Im' !w«i Srnlrhn:«'i) re;hhiug fi»r the dinnor eheek, Ouoe a H'iit< hman waiked hi(ti a <ive aml Ccii . «-ut stor« and askej vvhero the forsu!ur<' departm<W was. OBJĒCTION OVERRULEO

Ulttle Str««mHn»ā m/h th«t i»< tv9ry lov« aff«tir the bo> fri*nd g«n#ral!y hat an obJe<t and tH« ®lrl «n obJ««tl<m.

unhappy Thl# mii' w»k (tftn li> ti ro«tt* k r i" th«» W> I *' : W«vp t«' ll.r fnit «»f \Viillr T« Who nn'l a elr! ulmM- n«tiīi > «as KS rourt<Hl t»or «t tt HS. A«<l l! 4 "»' V Ui^ M& "1 If 1 «nmli' " -.Hii! K>\t*lj "I |*tty <n»ur st«! W B«I «l»*-, nlrt* y««u'\»« t«Ht "l'm tn*rH#tl nlt*ntij Tltr U)«itlirr «f S"

German Citizen Shot By Jew. —Newspaper headtine. That will probably mean another $400,000,000 fine for the Jews to pay. Germans >*ate thetr citliens high. SOURPUSS SAYS:

"If ilie legislature i>uts tliat extra tas on clgarettos, a loi of our tas moaey will jut;i go ui' I» >moke." Spring arrived liere. Txiesday. Eut we're uot yet in tlie inood fuf \vriting spriny poelry. Warida Waffleiron claims to have estab!ished a new record. She says «He was ab?« t<j buy a stamp at the HīJo post office v#in> dow in 16 minutes. 1030 Fable: Oiu-e upon a time there was u ne\vsi»aiiermaii who went to church rej;ulnrly. BANK NOTE Adolf Hitler īias opened a C*ech account. Dnemj>loyinent offirials aie planntng a trip around tlie Big Islanō to register the uneiuployed. Malioniet going to tlie inouiUain, so_to speak.

Eueopean d?ctators are giving th« reservists plenty of practice these days. Being a reservist in Europe just now is Hke being "3** frrema« in Hllo—ptenty of eall» but no fire». Anrt sr> nur <!l«eourse.