Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 52, 26 April 1939 — Lorrin P. Thurston Descendant Of First Missionary Family [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Lorrin P. Thurston Descendant Of First Missionary Family

Iva H»ku U Iluwaii is vei'y hapW" to anntfljme ihal Mr. Lorrin Jt'. TJiur«roii. presi<ioitt ami general n>anagfr of the A«herti«er PuMisliing Comi>any, I,?inite(l. of Honolulu, : hns started ;; movemcnt throughout Ilawaii, the object of whieh is to pre<erve tlie legends. historical phu-es ;uid tlie romance of old Hawaii. For a liuie Mr. Thuistou was heiul of the conipan,v tliat pu!)lished Tlie Kuokea. in Honolulu, for many years the lead'msr Hawaiinn langruap> newspa'per. In n letter t<> Ka Hf>kn O naw;tii. Mr. Thurs-ton *a,vs in part: "You can't lell nie an> thing ahour the d!ffieu!ties' of mnninp: u Hawaiian newspaper. We ran tlie Kuokoa i'our years after it went iuto.j the red. and at « total loss of close !

to We then had to stop l«ul>!i<-iUtoii for iiu.tiui.il reas<mt. Ti»ere is notliiuit that 1 have ever <ione in tlie newspaper ]>usiness thiit eaased me more hearta<lie than h»ving J «to suspend puhlication of t!ie Kuokoa. I knew that it was Uikiii!f away from the old Hawaiians oue oi' ilieii - last meaus of eouiacr wilh his modern world.

am <le!tghted to know thng, ><»« !iave t«Mui aMe to keep go!ng, t>ecanse even wtth a dwindling oireuhuion !ist 1 know you are brlngititf ff»vnt happlwSi« to iMftny old tniM» l!nwnlians." BRIEF HISTORY OF THE THURSTON FAMILY

The itrst Thursiou>j arrive<i at Kniiua. Kona, llawaii. March 12. 18»i. They wer<» aUowe<l to land <m ,Mnr< fi 2<>ih. Kr»>m thnt time to this <lay. eaeh generatton of Tliurstons ims tri<nl lo do §omething tOWards helpinL' t!ie <>ld Hawaiians — g<»methins constru<-tive and worth while whioh w<>uld he of lasttnj: benetit.

>lr. Thurston l>elfeves: that the majority of llawaiians are happy over the fact that they are under the protection ot the Stars and Btri}H*s ius?e:ui «f the tlajr of some other le>s tolerant nattoo. He hojws thsu !>is re!attve to perp<»tu;uiiij.' folkUnv and l€sgeiids will be vmtv<'rsatiy apptxm v d. Me tselt«>ve« »lust tt wouU! mean mueh to ih<> <>!d llawnlian», aisd yo«njcer HawaSiiu\s well. that he meuiis the yoiinyer generii t aml tlie u<M!«»nalons «nue. Mr. Tl>urston's motlve. lsowever, >!> ttndertsi|?»nv r is not

twwi «»n anj tor pcrsouut I '»r BjjgrnntltE4»nH>īit. IJt» is l\M ? w«»ktns-!»nT T*«»Htt<*«l off|<y, an<! kfts n«» lnt*siti«>n »if «lolne so, V«t w!H 1 tn> *MWW*il w!it* th*>'aiul: ?rlw<l<>Ms> M Hnw'iiHiip ]hh*j»U\ ' 1f hl* «lHn4f»«ls Fw WīiMV y*H»r* fcs>ss )iktl n S**f» wfw»! lii f*ir Kona ftB(l | 1 ?** pro{H*rtj ou*»\» o|\ *ht<* h»» h"i** lo vv*jMWH!!> buJUI | n !»omt> and «nwul ;t ! Af Y*»r f!wm» hs tīnw* {r<vi* liy. «?n»o T r!*l{ tlUtrkt„ w 1 «flv« Vr Tt»»!**t«M». *"t !<»sri« «i 1 *!»» 4 c«,.r\ n?»l 5 hw»„>*,l hav!n£ * 0»* fN»ltivsr rtiatK k«Ptr *li thcft tsj <»* !m*»w 11, 1 «ln vi»rtatn l! huw «*» lt<irrs that 1t * *itt I?V<> »»•«- t>«' iW ltfv* Wf«»v ! n»n «t att J thst 1 *»n ¥va!|y a of |K<> J *»«*• " 1 " ■ * f !r t»-N NvV»* , f Kii^ fl«kn t» Tt!»*nnft 1% t!»i* r<Mjp 1 it- Tlium<i&! H* l<. »fce W Us> in «j!h.l ! tmr uw*wrr*r,t? ih<ii y int,t Ita*slf{ fM<||| frt »*>..« (1 »1 * ! I ' v n- *v 1 - <!*»> " 1 h*Y«'n\ Mlhml ** | | "IV,* Vt».. %.4m,!,K s^l V» V*.- w \r.l I,r»f 1 uv ] V->M J*m ] " 1 :M '' 4&®J n. r«* n '• • i-4'' »Urt: U, litwsv " 1 » ! 1