Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 52, 26 April 1939 — Inter – Island's Airline Rates Get Official Approval [ARTICLE]

Inter - Island's Airline Rates Get Official Approval

Tlo\*m.TT.r (Fm ---Tnier-Ī*!an(!' A!rwnys tss iwt mnUin? nnrcaso-1 »«tble pro)H in iis oponuion in Harj wiiii. alihon<rh r:itos aro ?lightly j Irfjjrher here tliar> ori mo*t i«ainlan<l fitrlin<»3. in tTie \moffioial opinion of tbe i>ubliv utilities bomraia#ion of the Oonsi<ioratiou of opeiuUug iu otirr>iug ou th<? >i-i:i'dule loads to Uns oonolusion. it T\ns iut?niaio<l Tuosrlav at s meoiina of tlvo commisslon to review a detailed survei- of the situatlon by John H. K<mgēt.er, engineer. Tlio ,<nrvcy ts tho i'f ;i 10f>7 =oTVnte re<=olntion fl ; *tvUnsr iho eommlssion to ?nvp*tii:afo tlie airways. and whether it is to j«sl tlio nitfs atul fnres. The survey siio\vt> ihui suvh aa iiivesU£utīon dOfs: n*vf eomo unaoi- tl!o'jur!sof thf co?vmiisMo!i. and dtftHon nt law i>oints to tho otvH aeronautlos nuthori!y :«s īho h«nl.v ch!ēfly t onoernotl. i

' Prom the siatistics and rate oom(pnrisons offered. ihe ] | snrvey lndie;ites that It is neoes.sa'ry to ?ta rt pmoeoilin;:* hefore the 'r.\A ln the nanie of the territory. ! hnt a«lds that if at some time in the f fnture the ohar:res of the airway ! s=honld apjH»ar exhorhif;uit to trave- J lerii here, aetion might he tttken. t JJr. surve.v sets forthj the situation with respeet to Uie j aeronautieal la\\s enaeted by Con-; irress and the territorial iegislature, pives ,i history of li\ier-Isiand Airways. an<i Hsis rates ;md data rrom | the CAA. | J "jrhe īmional sUu;Uion relatlve u» alr traiisp\\rt3titSon has been to n «f tmnsitton for the past' few \-ears. v Mr. Kangeter «kys "Kwn now. after the eivil aerotiau- i tir» net of 1&38 has be<» in in effoct | noßriy a year, to o«r knowTēdge 60! ,-ertiticates of eonvenience aud ue- j have heen lssue,l, nor have j any rate detertuītwtious heeoi ] iuaiia." - I Af»er r*»viewing the development ī of >iHtHHi«I air regiriatlons, tho sur- ] vey devotes coitsidertible atteūtiOQ ] tQ īhe lnter lsland Airwass, whieh ; h»\>> lieen in o|tertitio»i about 10' \vars. Trariog ti»e t»nanoial setup, j whieh I«ter-I-land Steam Na | v»sßit»«a e oontroniUi: inter-1 e*t, the ret>ort showu t!«at first aii> ] *»»«H HiKh!* t*OTte st«rtt.sl Ui 19U. *t \ l hkU u«»e Ute Uad car»,eu 4-i»uu uiihoui *c--1 UUiiil over UK«rv iluin a iuUUoo Suhse,jueiii. he«riiiss aud of iLe hook? h,\ eiHeial ii> v» siU;ators were raHdc. Tbe imer«ate comtuercL> oomaus sioH Jaler overruled tho ,\u*tetuiou tliat * fitir «inuaU r*te pr>Mile a« InoMiie lo y ' s r \\» loUl N«t th v roj»,»rtA sUtes ll,ui >nUk ia • nsts!t\j{ js,ittfeesiger re\fuues T,;tw >u! u.a;] tW low *ir 1 « l*,#h jjer u He ose?utta£ ooii, I Au t#iik- iu tiK» mr\tyt 4.0»* llwi. i« UKM> lIWMV *T<S* I«W Axmu wwi I uaiiA, «iU» a uvl |OJ3 & i *****&&*■ u«t m mm m* . «en So*H y\vf 35££W 4 m o* $.st.