Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 7, 14 June 1939 — Hawaii Given Pacific Islands Court Control [ARTICLE]

Hawaii Given Pacific Islands Court Control

WASHINGTON (UP)—TĪie seū-| ata judieiary committee on Mondiy | approved two bills affectingtheHa.j waiiau Judiciary organization. j The first extends jurisdiction of. the couvts to Mid\vay, Wake Johnston, Jarvis, Baker. llowland, CanLou, Jure, Euderbury islanās, King-' man reei and the adjacent \vaters o£ all. ' The second applies a new federal court practice of plo;fdutg pro"ee-dm-e aud rules to the Ilawoiiau dis-ti'Attt-COurt as well as tlie Mainland. The uavy deparnnent supported tlie jurisdietion bill. wlik'h was Introduced simuiiaueous!y by Senator sets, in the . senate auel Chairuian ī)avid Walsh, Dem.. of XĪassaelmsHaHon Sumners, Denu of Te.\as, ot' the house ju<ii< iarv voinnuttee in the iiou.se. The iiouse as yet lias «ot aeted on the measure. l>elegate Sam King introdueed the procedure rule< lāīl whieh almidy has been iipi>roved in the house, und is awaitiug senate act- [ ion.