Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 44, 28 February 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Tiiursd;iy \vsis a ]i<>licUiy t'or i,uost. i'olks, but just another Thursday for Koko-Xut«.|--JAPAN'S ARMY AGAIN *UNDER ATTACK IN DlET—Newspaper headline. Litt!e Streamiines read this and innocently asked: "Well, why don't they change the menu?" DESERT POME NO. 62 t>ta!)ed on the (]esert,* So iolU aiul bluo, Is a luu<' car sutesinan Ten Uliles l'roiu Kuu. He i'an out of gas, lie ran out of oil, And llu'ii liis radiator Started to boil. A ujan selling ears Shouldh't pull stieh n bouer, Shuukl get ali these thioirs Before lie leaves Koua. You can't keep a good man down. That's one reason why Chairman Sarii Spencer has his office upstairs. •" ■ - ■ i NOT NEEDED

Little Streaiuiines lias given a\vay her iilanu eloek. t"oiuid out tlint she doesn't need it any it)ort', hi'eauee the niynha l>mls al\v:>,YN wake lior \ip n1 any liow. THIN<*S WE COULD DO WITHOUT Asinine ads And dull orations That clutter up Broadcasting stations. Toiu Cunningliani will panieipaie in this yeur > puliīi. al <-ampaign by remote fontrt«L l'om ainl Seiiator Sarah have a dinner tlate n!«<>ut that time wirh Fl>lt BUI»L*ETIN |

"t er»joy Hst«ning to my bor's pract?cing īn the eārly morning on his saxophone." SAD STO^V A Hian imhappy ls poor Oilie Keirh; F«r lūm thero"s no su>aks Tlii he g«?ts'Hi* uow LATEST WAR JOKE Here*s one about the Brlt»sh aviator who was sent ōn a spe>cīa! mission over the German )ines. H# was flve Hours late returw!ng to his bise When quett!oned b> hit he *āid; "Visibi!»ty w«« ba<i. So I landed In the town and w««t araund distrJbyt}«g th< pjimph?ets from door to door," THESE FROGS WON'T •CRŌAK' , Thprf is jH>sStive!y no tru!h in tht> rtunor th«ī Uw Woniun*s <*Hih lu«s »v|M>rUMl l!ic I:\a-T t'r tu iho Sot-i(ity f«»r rh«» l*r»H*>«th<n <'f rc!K'i tv T« AiiimnK for U»tīiiij: tln> t\v«» h«ll rros> Ih ilk» munuihi in frm>i «»f f!H 4 huth}st»j: po wU!n>«t watpr f«» »hi\ « SOURPUSS SAM SAYS;

"What*s werryin" the Fmns most ts how th«> ar« e\fr- to fi"d

fo<M« te bwry s'? Russia»« they hAve kitlied du»"fßj t:V past week.** L!PE'S DARKEST MOV£NT WliOli voiiYi> *Ys tlsO w** ,(V \,<nr ii«<? IWWw no\K «S"<*r «xlnji 1s1« iKv\- *!ii(Vi>r. THt ANNUAL HEADACHr. »f >OW Wf A K'S>.t '* A <jf. lk*« At a **U t-.cv.

you ean just take it for granted it is the bosses trying tp figure j out their ineome tax. | THEY LOOKED—AND LAUGHED j

Wanda WailleiiMU, tiie helle of Waiakea, rates herself i>retty higii. U'iieu »lie waikoil dv>wu >ireet Sunday aHeniOMi», wearing a new hat oi' lier owu de.siyti. >he sakl to herse!l'; "1 niust be maki)i£ a hil; «'veryluHly is lookinjr at iue." 1940 simite: As popular as a pretzel in a London restaurant. Auother needed inventīon is soiuething tliat will proteet fresh fruit and vegptables froin being injured l»y wouien customers when tbey s*iueeze īliein to see if they arē firm enough. HE'D ENJOY THE DRiVE

San d y McPherson, when he was asked to donate sometlnna for the Saivation Army drive, gave two bits to

the solicitor and said: "l'll enjoy the drive." i'lorida seoator' says lie may ask ilrs.. Eoosevelt to run for Fresideni. €an't he doue, senator. Mrs, K,'s tiiue is ull takeu up in writiiig her tlaily eolunin for a uewspaper synUuaie. \\"hy usk Uie iirsl laOy to her eareer? Loeal newspaper is putting up a new buS)dtng, with a basement. We understand the basement is to be used to store oil for the next politicai campaign, HII.A GIBLS IKOEl) FOK AUTO PLATES.—Ne\vspai>er headliue. WanUa Waffleirou, rhe belle uf Waiakea, siqs sln» thinks tliat's eārrying things a little too far if they eoml>el the poor glrls to jfō around weariiig plate<. A wonderful man ls Officer Tweet; He's one polieeman Who hasn't flat feet. iUin A UM\ 11As OUACK.Ki> riNN I.INi:. Nowsp;ii'or, heaUline. A\v, iu!(s! Honolulu store announces a special sa!e of safety razors. As wouid be expected, it is shaving the price. Mauiia wupie were iuarried the odier day while their liome burue«.l. Must have heeu a i>air of tfcmiing youihs, ls it because Chicago is catled the Windy City, the Oemocrats h«ve feiected it as the piaee for | th««r next €onventton." j - —— , WAA LIMMERLICK i i'heiv \vu.s a youti£ soidier o£ j. frrani > e Wiw weui O) tiie front iu a imuee» iiut wiaie on itatroī liw out oi' ixintri»l— And the shot a hole throu£h i>auts, Herman Qoenn(j, second flddler i« Hitier's orch«strA t t* gettmg madd«r every d«y, b«c«uH h« c*nt think up an> m«rt na«ty ; nam*c to «all the Britiah. OiKV UiHUI a lluie U»erv x\ns ti hs>viUeasUßjs statlon »hat jr«,\e out >vme war &e\vs th«t e\ <, !■> iutuut t\MKi ,u the &fteria'W siv ;ii! v; s Nom that the Scotch aoidier« hav« lo«i ihem' Kilt*, th«s Wōi\"t ha«.e Such a s> tim« os>ti\g ov«r the top. Th«<tt«ht J«>r Uh1«) ; Ai.oiiA ro m»; namloa