Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 46, 13 March 1940 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]

Ka Hoku o Hawaii

The Star Of Hawaii


J\lanaxa A <Hoa£aata 3 Ka «Cakui <Haw?au ;SfAR OF HAWAII (Printed in Eno!ish ond Hawaiian) ■> w /H," & tuA, * » , t V . 3 , »5.'.

Hma m» o !nkou e holo

Hma m» o !nkou e holo

Tha Star of Hawali is publlshed in th.e laterests of the Hawaiian peoi)le with a view to promotiag gjodwill and preserving the language and tradi- . tit j Hawaiiaa people.

01. XXXIV, Ko. 46

s - *-" " ;' De<ficate<J to 'lhe

i j(ajLO, »AWAII, tr H t , WEBXESDAr ? MAB£H

TM» sectloo of K* Hoku 0 H*wiU iā prfßte« to U*e Eagli«h Lau«u&g« for Um bett«At «HE th« younger geaeratiou, maay of whom 4o aot re&d the lansu&£e of xheir tonsteU»ra f snd our Qw»- , «isaitt «BbBcribers.