Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 47, 20 March 1940 — Turks Prepared For Emergency [ARTICLE]

Turks Prepared For Emergency

ISTANBUL Bypreme defen9e eoii&en/ ln three Tong se"s-" 8lon«, ha« eonslc!ere(l tlie lnternaMonal sltuattou a»d has nnnouneeā T«rkey is ready for any eventtiaiīty, presumatily meaning tlie Turks are ileterniined to deft'nd national integrity. A communique isstied at Ankara said aii preeautions necessary for nalional defeii.-e have been 1 taken and that the eounell express- i ed satisfaction with tlie measures. ' Presence in Ankara of T3ritish" and Freneh Near Eastern eōfbiiiari- J ders lent conviction to the bel!ef "Hīiit dirwt coīlāl)oration of*Brttisli, Fronch and Turkish r-oniniands 1s belng «?oftcluāe<l. OPficial Turk source.s polnted out tiiat sueh coTlaborat!on is a natural ! <ire<-:iutionary measurt> :ig:iinst Rus3!a, t>at un<ifficial cotoment lndicated Turkey sl»cerely deslres contlotiation of food relatiotis \vith the Soviet Ūnion.

IT>o unto others as you \vould Tvlsh them do unto you.