Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 48, 27 March 1940 — Hitler's 11-Point Peace Proposals [ARTICLE]

Hitler's 11-Point Peace Proposals

IllUei-'a 11-polnt prbposals for a eompromtsed peaee, as presentcd to ''V. S. Un<iersecretary of Staie Sumner Welles. reported are as fbllows: ; ' ". . 1. A general simultaneous disaimament on land, sea an<3 air. 2. Formation of n. small inele. l>endent State of Foland iā th© eentēr part of the Tormer state aroutid Warsaw ot' about 10 oi 11 millions. Gdynia would be a Polisli Port, giving the state access t<t tho Baltic. Poles formeiiy had a free port at Danzig. Also, Polish eommeiee to the \vould be facilitated. Bounaa"ries of the small Polish siate' nvou!J be doteuulno(l hy ]ilehiscit<?s under some inlernatlonal oommie-i-ion. Also the miiiontles prohlpms wouid be solved in the Dariubian i'<tlish zones as a means of mass omigrations. 3. Czechs, Slovaks aud Hungarians would form a tripartite state aiiied to ~the lleieh, in whieh Ger-, many would hold cevtain industrial| aud cominunication righls for 25 years. 4. Austria w»«uld forever remain iu the Heieh, 5. Germany would get back herj coionies within 2n years, or at least j certfiin eolonial concesfions or pro- ; teeiion for German emlgranfs to| certain 2ones ?n Afrloa. 8. A Danubian confederation| \vov.ld be formed \vith the pailiei.. i pation of CJermany aud Italy as the

preat guardian power?; tl)5? would! inc!ude Vugoslavia, Rumatiia,j I Eohemia, Slovaliia ;md Hungary. j 7. The U»lKaus would contiiuioj uQder tlie status ano tlivivafter ! pro-j tcctiug frontiers such uatio«s as Ruuiaiiia's Bessart*l>i;i «nd Trftnsyl-j va«ia from Hus»iau ams ! 8. AbsoJuie liberSy of rtJlgio»' wUIU' GermAny'p rei»ainiug Jews woi:ld emijrrato under ilip din i-tion |of Britain to Palestine_, o£ Italy to j East Africa and thp Froticli to Maj dagascar. 1 9. Absolute liberry ot trade after the \var with no tariff barriers for I raw materials in direct contact for ! oeonomie collaboratiou with the j l'nHinl StaU>B, and also faciHtaliou • ior Oermau and Italian emignitwn j such Italians <o Ttmisia and Ger i uians to Atrlca. 10. Special treatmtut foi Italian ® coinm&fff at I>jiboutt and ako free ; at Sue2 beginiiiug ln 1945. i 11. A aew statute f<u- Italiaus ai | Tuuisia. The last two poinls denote a\it , coilaboraiioti in &n effort to obtaln | satisfaction for ltaly's "n&tural as- | pimiious."