Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 49, 3 April 1940 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]

Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres

PALACip Today, Last Time 'LKOION OF LOST FLYKItS'* with Rieluud Ai len aiul Andy l)e--vme. ••t;AUOIA-AUMSTJiOXG Tomorrow and Fridny ■ SIi»E\VALKS OF L(->XL»ON" \vith Vivien Leigh and *'harles Luugiiton. i Saturday Oniy ".\IAJS" FKOM l>Aiv( >TA" \vitli Wal. iaee JBeery, l>olores Dei Jiio and John Howanl Sunday and Monday "!iKOAL>WAY MKLOl>i i>F 11*40"" j wiili Fred Astaire, E!eonor l'o- ] well aud lieorge Murphy, ] Tuesday and Wednesday, next week ] "l'-liOA'l 1 -iiP with Veidt : aiul St?|jastian Sha,\v. EMPIHE Today only IS NK\VS" with John t;aiiaudet awd lris Meredith "SI'OILEIIS OP THK KAXCK" with Charles Starrett. Tomorrow Only "MUSIC IN MY HEAKT" with J'ony Martin and Jtiia llayworth Friday and Saturday "Kl' W i.\TAS NV> GiNTO " with Arsetiia Praniisco and Krnesto la <;uardia Saturday Evening Only "KO-DAKAKA" wiīh Kuroda Kiyo nna Kaga Kunio "SsIIAMiSKX BL'SHI" with Arashi lvanjuroo aud Sawamura Kunitaro Sunday and Monday "THK FATAL HOUK ' with lloris Karloff and Marjorie lieynolds "EL DIABLO KIUE»' with Bob Steeie. Tuesday Only "I.KAL UE&IW with t.»«ry Cooi>er und Kay MUlAi)d