Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 8, 1 August 2022 — In the Footsteps of Ke Ali'i Maka'āinana [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

In the Footsteps of Ke Ali'i Maka'āinana


By Mālia Sanders The legacies of our ali'i are an important part of the heahh and wellbeing of our lāhui today. All of our ali'i trusts continue to serve Hawaiians and our community in their capacities today as private organizations. However, the legacy of one particular ali'i continues in the puhlie sector - that of Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana'ole.

The Hawaiian Homes Commission Act was an incredible feat by an incredible ali'i. His advocacy amid a predominantly white-male U.S. Congress in the early 1900s resulted in the establishment of a long-standing program to provide kānaka land and livelihood. In his advocacy to Congress prior to the passage of the Act, Kalaniana'ole asserted that the way to assure the recovery of the Hawaiian race was to "plaee them back upon the soil." Kalaniana'ole knew that the key was - and is - aina. A hundred years later, the Department of Hawaiian Homelands continues to serve kānaka by reconnecting them to the land. As a delegate to Congress, Kalaniana'ole did this without the ability to cast a vote. The pure

skill of his influence and advocacy insured generations of kānaka are connected back to aina. In addition, Kalaniana'ole founded the Hawaiian Civic Club movement, was involved in the reorganization of the Royal Order of Kamehameha, was instrumental in the creation of our first Nahonal Park in Hawai'i, created our county system of government, was an advocate for women's suffrage, and was instrumental in advocating for kānaka to be appointed to civil service positions, thereby growing Hawaiians in leadership. Today, our elected ofhcials are charged with a similar role - influence and advocacy for the wellbeing of Hawai'i's people, especially kānaka. Kalaniana'ole's legacy has endured in all areas of civic duty. What ean we reflect on ffom his example as we examine the candidates in this upcoming election? As we turn to the ballot boxes in the coming weeks, let's consider Kalaniana'ole and his advocacy efforts as a metric for kānaka wellbeing. Here are three leadership characteristics that Kalaniana'ole exemplified: 1. An intimacy with experience. While his political career was of substantial length, Kalaniana'ole was first and foremost an ali'i. He had been jailed for his involvement in the counterrevolution following the overthrow. Kalaniana'ole understood the costs of such advocacy and what was at stake. These experiences undoubtedly influenced his qualities as a leader. 2. Daring endurance. Racism was prevalent in the 1900s, and yet, he took muhiple trips between Hawai'i and Washington, D.C. and built connections with his Congressional colleagues, sometimes even inviting them back to his home at Pualeilani. We cannot assume to know Kalaniana'ole's strategy in navigating a different world than the one we live in today, but his actions certainly required daring endurance. 3. An understanding of 'āina. Bringing Hawaiians "back upon the soil" is not simply a turn of phrase and one that should not be taken lightly. Perhaps Kalaniana'ole knew innately that kānaka are composed of aina and that this relationship brings life to both. ■ Mālia Sanders is the executive director ofthe Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association ( NaHHA ). Working to better connect the Hawaiian eommunity to the visitor industry, NaHHA supports the people who provide authentic experiences to Hawai'i's visitors. For more information go to www.nahha.com Follow NaHHA on Paeehook, Instagram, and Twitter @nahha808 and @kuhikuhi808.

Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana'ole was known affectionately as "Ke Ali'i Maka'āinana" or "The Citizen Prince." His passionate advocacy and civic engagement on behalf of his people has left our lāhui an enduring legacy,- Photo: Courtesy