Nuhou, Volume I, Number 9, 25 March 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]


MONDAY; MARCfi 24, 1873. One of the pleasing feat«res of the prese»t dult times ia the «x«rtion» b£ing made to 6eefc and develop new in'dustries. The-! fitting out of our **econd whaling schc>oner shows a epirit : of «titerprise that deserves encouragement, an(l we hope.will meet ■ Also, the uew industry of meat preserving eontemplated here—as tnentiondd in last Satimlay , s shows that our people are seel?ing new channels of investrnent, These mav appeaf emall in fhe eyes of some, but as * .4* they inateriallj aflect other branclies of trade, we woula weleome āll «neh, and wi«U tliem every succesB, The barkentine Jane A. Fatkinburg and whaieship Camilla are ihe on!y fore!gn arrtvals to note sLiiCe our īa»t, tM former from Portland» with luQ>ber t .flour, bread> &e, t and ihe latter from Hilo, for letters. C. 8. Bartow will hold a large credit sale on Tue»day and Wednesriay, at his aueeion room, of miaeellaneoua gcmU. Bark Kale \n up for San Francisco, &nd will load with dlsp&leh. We learn that the Falkinbury will a]«>o load for the «ame port. Our weekly receipts «how improvement et!U, and we will doubtless aoon be up to the owing to the seītled weather aud the plantations being all in worfcing order, fiUMMAKY OF »ECKirTS OF DOMCSTIC PRODVCS FOR THS WEEK ENDINC MARCIt 22. Awa, bncbs.4oo ( Lamb«, No,S Butter, bx>i............ 7 Molanaee, hblslBB Bananas 5 hneh»,....... 118jOranges, N0........... 12,100 Uotfeo, bags .139jt*ui, «ka............... )0 . Corn, bag5............ 60 l\'tatoes, bags *T3 l>otton, b,»g5............ 67 Paddy, 5k5............ 25 Charcoa|, bu<fis,2o]Pulu, baies,24 Cattl€, liead.. /. 19 Rice, 5k5.............. 250 Egi?, iix 1 bugar t kegs,... 5,150 Fuugus, bags... ~.,« Ss ? bags. 1,002 ]fowls, doz.= 4 maia 4*il Goal Skins, pc5........ 320 Sugar Caue t t>ndl» 5 .... 69 Ilides pcs., 38$18heep f N0.......... * 204 Mogs, N 0....., 1$ Turkeys. d05.........4| Horses, N0...,,.,.,... 4 Tobacco,bale,l Koa Lumbvr, ~ *~,... 3,000 \\ 001, ba1e»..40 JLeatber t r01ii5.......... 7i Wood, cords., 25