Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 158, 10 February 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


( We do not hold ourselv<$ re$pon*ible for the utterance» of our correfpondent«.) Editor Holomua. WUl Mr. Von Werthen Sr., denv having written to King Kalakaaa »nd one or two officiala cloeelv connected, wilh the late King, that be (Von Werthen) wiahed to go into the King’* Ser-

vice. and organise a Guard that cou!d pnt down any attempt at KevoIuti<>n, or any uprising against tbe RovaI Famiiv—did he not apply, not only onee, f>r the position, but fbllow up the King with correspondence several times. after ihe revoiutiou of ' NtMESI'. Feb. 10, 1893.