Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 6 April 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Tii*' !»<*nji-weekly r;»eet mis-name-l *'The Lihen. " is fXlollitig Sk)iiie furth* r liberal d*M8 in :t! lnst ;*-ue in adv- cit - :.g the *'X.le frum the C"jntry of :i nnmb*r of geiitlemtn more or l*--r connected with the anti-annex ition presa. The youtbful ed:t--r nmst have a greal pull w.th the p . fi. to induce them to add a new law to the KUtutes ■ f the country for the purpot«e ex:ling people who think d.n'Tently fri:n the minority-gov-ernmei.t, and alao a !tenng the treatieswith the Un;te<i b*tat« s and (,lreat Britain to suii such coutemplated outr.ige on cit zens f these two countries, bul of coiirse nothing is imp ssihL* f.»r a government whieh ean h-»ast <>f the support of such 8|)*-cnnen <>f a genu» iike the edit<>r of the Liberal. lt is pleasing to see new enterpriges h-ing etart**d n thecountry. an*l we wis:i Mr. K \V. W iIc>»x all poss'l»le 8uccess «ilii h;s distiLery. We have dunng the last Legislature str >ngly adv .cated the passage «f the distillery act, a id, if we Biicceed in getting a commercial treatv with the l nited ?*tates whieh wiil enahle us to imp.»rt alcoh«»l fr*?e <*f duty into that countrv Hawaii ought to be a »troi g eompelil r m tnat induetry with the Eumpean <• >untries whieh now exoort milliona of d )llars worth ol aieohol to America. fhe Kiawe hean —s>* verv easilv eul- * * tivāted—[>roduces a high dogree of aleohol, and we understand that exporiment8 made by Mr. Smith of Keneon, Smith,& Co.. have given the inost ealiefactory results. Jf pn»perly hand!ed we believe that the new industry now opened will have a great future here and be <>f equal importanoe with the sugar indu9try. Last n gi<te ap[*earance of Dr. McGre»’e etarry prescription w<s remarkably free from iusu ts ngaui9t the Queen. The only scurrility availab;e wae some eommeniwon the cockroaches in the palaee kilehen busiuees. We wmi!d like to kuow, tbougb if during his uianagement of the Manne Hoepilal, his Huepilal kiieheu wae as free from eookrcaches as was. if we remember rightly, the Huspital of marines? The Advertiser quotee and eompliinenle ihe Star. The Stir quoUs and c>*mpliment8 the Friend, tiie Frien»l quotes and eon plime’ ts ihe St«r whieh in its turn qiiut«s &nd eomplimenle the Liberal. W hat a loving and too utteriy respeclabie quartette! L. A. Tbiireton’e dime - museum couldn’l hold them and still exist. The Advertiser oontaine daily m>*re or less in c**rrect traue!ations from the līolomwi and the K'i Loo. U also sneers at and miieulee the firm belief express*-d in the mentioned papers of the nativee tbal Comuiissioner Bi<*unt is here as tlieir friend lo hear and lialen to their wiahe# aud to do juetice on beha'.f of his c»unlry to ihisfnendly nalion. What could l>etter illustrate the implieil faith and contidenee whieh the Hawaiiane have iri Ihe United Statee, and e«pecially in tbe present administratioo, than their patient and peaceful attitude and their naive and touchiug appeale U> their

great and e • I frieud B!ounl : whose p*wer fi»y beiieve to be ! : ;i prem**. # Tf ,t’i' *,*i •*• ■ pirty > a’ways Ioudly ctatii>‘r ng th.it ihe .ate re- ..;■ - • ■ b ir-t ->f a j i»t:y ind g:iant | e«*ple, ■ aud th il th**r? had b *eu | anv [>r li- I tal. >:: <<r plane t<) < br.ug the m >ve ab>ut. C >!onel \ j V. Aehford seems t*> d ffer fr *m j the insurgents in this reg ird. He iat Iea.-t quoted as speaking as fi*ilows lo u L s Angelos Times rep**rter ; ••Wns I eurj*rised t>> hear of the , overthr> w <■: Qnet n Liiiuokalani ? , N<>t at all. It eame a month or so i tban our party h.ui ex-1 but that the succeeeful over- ; throw nf the monarchical f*rm of j govermi>enl would occur. and not j loi;g after th** adjournment of ihe ■ Legisl;<ture i<i March, was a fore- [ gone eonelue: >n. Our plans was well iaid, *»ir partv was well or- I ganized aiul -ir >ng, and we had i O all l!ie better eiemenl with tis." In eommenli: g on the report ; #tarted by tbe Tharslon 0 >mmis- i eion that the tiuecn had ceased [>rotest:ug agaii:st the aun**xation of her cnuntry the Brooklyn Cliroincle sa\"3 editoriallv : * Fr»m this amiahle evidence of 1 of resicnation we mfer onee more the mesmeric inliuenoe of the great Araerican liand. thoiigh whether . the hand i» that of.I>*hn L. Stevens, iuisrepre9entiiig tiie United States in quest of boodie, or that of Claus s Spreckel9, Io»kiug for bounty. or , the conjoined mfluences of botb | sharp practitioners, we are not yet I ab!e t> determine. H»wever, ae Madame has *xi>ressed herself as desir»us of selling out f>>r a eoneideration, it w»uld not be aUogetlier imi>rudent to take an inveut»rv of all she has that is the Queen's. In the first [ilaee there is her j treaty rights. whieh Messrs Stevene, Spreckeia & C:>. havejust reduced t» waste paper; item certain halls, huts, palaces aud [*erquisite9, of d»ubtful value. aiul still more dubious tiflc; s»n*e 50,000 Hawaiians of pure, mixed aud very mueh mixed pareut g**. m»st!y in ili heallh; Ja[is, Chinamen, and the right to deliver them, whieh she d»ea n»t p»ssess; and an acc»mpanmieni »f international feuds. d»meslic j»bs, p»litical bickering9 aud an into!erab!e precedent that seem to be !>>st heariug of in the Fourth «f Ju!y sh»uting of the American jingoes. The story of the manner in whieh the flag was raised »ver Aliioiani Hall is quite : of a pieee with the rest. lt shows that tht great Amenean j»b has I cr>>ssed the Pacifio halfway aud st»[*ped to take breath befure pr>>ceeding on its journey to Asia. We shall next hear »f a eeheme to annex China. the dep»sition of i the Emper»r by a Tea Ring, the i exter.sion cf universal suffrage amoug the three or four hundred milliona of our uew feliow citizens. and a prompt offer to settle f»r eaah on the part of Queen Regent. By all meaus. let us seize the earth just to show how contented we are.