Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 6 April 1893 — KAHUNAS IN COUNCIL. [ARTICLE]


Editor Holomla; Mueh has been of late during these troub!ous days about the Kahunas and lheir domgs, eo aa to injure the cause of the Hawaiiana acd their Queen in tbe eye* of the wor)d al large. So alao what the late evening sur-gazer

has ta i * ‘1 “rot a;id £ -h ) ab«jut the incantat »ns ailee»-d to - i th« d ral lnbute of the womea of the L dīes’ Hawaiian P;vtriotic Le<g ;e t > Mr? Blount. on the day ofhersrrivaI ;• linwaiian m»iI. The truth <>f tne matter was that all <d the lei* Hawiiian w<».n-n hono»ircd ; t w th,wer • b>'ight a- d pi df r l»v th i»e 9eif sirne Hinai.au w»men r gnt >n tn- 9,*ot. and t;i.if th-re was no such a thing as any alleged previo>is ine.Anlaiiun bv «nv .■>-»rcer-ā. ii The trib»t w«s a hearty one from HaWAiian w >men to a 1 reign lady, ahown g t >:*t same di3p>>sitioii ofh<»8, t i!itv to str.tngers. simi!ar to what was shown tae early missii»narv fHthers and m <thers. wh<*se chi!dren are n> w showing their ingratitude t<> th<>se that openly received. harh , 'ured and lrd their ancest >rs. But these nccusers of the Hawaiiau people fail t<> aeeuae ?<>ine ofthemse!ves in b-lieving in the kahunas and their ;irt and ineanlations. Right in ainongst th<»se of i ttie Advisory Oouneil. a promiuent member of the present order <>f thi;igs. is one who helieves ia a kahuna, and a wahine at th.it, a s<>rcer*ss. This same Councillor ii h:gh iu auth<>rity t>». and this old sorceress resides on one of his premises >)'iite near t<> his residence, aiui it is alleged that he Bnpports her at ihe rate of from $3U to $50 per monih t>*r her very valuable incantutions and services in h's favour. Mind you, Mr. Edit<»r. this s;ime person is a son of a missionary f.ither and mother. It is further alieged that before he attempts t<> undertake anything. he tirst sees the s<»rceress and learns from her the answer of the numnkna8 whether it is s;tfe f«r him or not to undertake what he had thonght of doing. So mueh for this believer in s<»rcery ! The foregoing is not the on!y one. but thatthere are a few others in the Council who very often make nocturnai visits to other reputed sorceresses in whom they liave faith and have sj»ecial li Kings. But these calumniators of Hawaiiane still go on with their diatribe of abuse against us. an<l allow their own kind t<» go unscathed. Here is a good samp!e of a Christian gone axmost eompletely over to sorcery, and there are others of the «iiue genus h»mn that I will not here dwell upon. but mav do so at same future time if necessity demands it. It is better f»r some of these ealumniators of Hawaiians to adopt for themselves the British m<»tto of “Honi »w/ qui mal y pen*e," and to sj»eak the "truth and shame the devil'* :is to others. Loyal Native.