Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 214, 3 May 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

In il aeeme t> us, has the abi’.ity -'f the v.-ters • f Oaha t<* «clect [.n i.er rej>resentat:vm aml to rcf!ise nominali *r.i* ar'i electionsto n.en f r liie Ieg'siative duties beeu b- tter i.. ■ strnl' •! l.v« u tur »Ugb theex’ in lm wL Meesrs hinmeluth, \Vaterb 'ii»e. and V 'ung. mude . , • l meetii g l««t M.‘ud .y. The lhr«eg-ntle men have < ffV-red llien aeW''» in Honolulu :'«'•<nd'date« f t ’egisla* tivH bonor* a; d li:tv* alw«ye been defej;t»;d by larg- m«j'Tit!ee. No y»olitical ptrty _and faction eould help rec ig'iiaing the want of bnk«dn» ss f viewa, the laek uf [»olilieal edncation ami »>f eommon nei se without whieh no legi«lator ean be tr sted, in the»e three poIiiieal moimitebanks —But now we hnve secn what could have bee exp n c't d ifthey and other \vould be j»olit'.cian§ cf the eame stripe lnid ever h««n g : ven a a»‘>t in the Leg’aUture. Now c*»me? Mr. Emmeluth i men b-r T a legislature body aml [>r»8*-: t- a r»solution the object of whieh ia t" plaee a certain eonftrucli»m on a certain law passed by the 8iid l«g;9lative body. He d"*e u t ;>r •[' s- m amendment to the law wlier-by perha[is hisobject cou!d 1 1 ;iv♦ b-»Mi att iined, but like the gre;»t 1 Am that he is, he believes that i nimple resolution ean plaee i con9truction u(ioii the sedition law wh » h, undoubt-diy, in h;s iuind ali j »lg-s and june» ot ihe c«mntry wou1d he obiiged to iimnediate!y aeoepl under penalty of dismipsal or other puniahmenl — Mr. \Viiterh)U9e acting as Mr. Kmmelulh’a echo-blows his 1 ittle tin-trumpet and secouds the resoiulion whieh Mr. Young speaks m favor of it. Fortu.iately f»\r the country, there are some sane men m the Council and Messrs Damon. Hriwn. and Smith, succeed‘d in smotherii g the imj»oIitic. ridicuious and injuriou8 act:on of tiieir enfant terrif>U and the matter was dr>»j.ped But wh»t an illnstratiori it is <>f the d mger of clothing, with a lillie bnef aulh rity, oien, who do not p» sst‘99. the virt«es and qualificitious n»'c»ssary toexerc:se the j>. \ver v.-ste«l iu Miem with j istice d g nty, aml tderati m iu f ill aee >rd with t ie high sens- <>f liberty ai d poiilieal rights. whieh don:inate the century in whieh we live. Mr. Emm**luth’s res»duti >n was dir».ct«d at tne |>atri"tic leagues whieh h.»ve U'en f.>rmed and are w«irking f r the purpose of furnishing the l-nited St«tes c«*mmi8sioner« t-> //awaii with a fiithfjl and truthful exjiression of the 9'ntiiuents and \\ishes <>1 the Hawaiian nati»ii —Mr. Emmelulh and his two s ij>jH>rt«Ts evid»ntly w:s!» t > j>revent s eh expre9«ion from reach tiit O'.>mm’s«i mer, bat we hardly heliwe that theg »verninent w.»nld und*-rt*Ke to iuuxzle tlie sixteen tbous«nd Hawaiian wb'.>9» far have «igned the r<»ll »>f the league an«i jTtvent their voices froiu being heard. lt wo«dd be undertakmg a pret;y iarge e.minel. «l;t!icnlt t > carry out. eveu if the attorney geuer.il «l.tes have the valuabl« «S9i9Unce of Messrs. Emmeluih and C"—What & howl there wouM bnve been if ihe Queen'a g«»vernment some time ag<» had treated tht men whooj>enly advorated aanexat*on in ihe manuer aa now proposed by.Mr. Kmmelulh! “Nogov« rnment is str«mg and healthy toitscoreexce[>t it nas aa opp»S!tioa’’ —if Mr. Eiuaielulh will Jevole »ome of his

time to *t .dy j»i;t ei. - enee he will find tnat v •' e >f t <*• greate~>t aml rn ēt - uj rta 0 x ui-? iu i the hiāt >rv >f w>r l. ll prvs-<- ! iawa. g-g .uw» »t i.' n luw*. yes * trea<> >:i lawe : .r ry toh»ld a goveriime <t n :■ w-r .:.d neeee1 nrr t i prc«? th« r 4 :e?: > f Union ! witn the A:ii- r f < . II-. -o ie. we jd > no' womi rth < f T * g'V<r: ent of th»l Iib-rty >vi;.g i <<i :bertyr«9.>*ctii g C;u:.try r - f... y >le elinee t > a<-'' pt ! *>vaii as a g:ft: iueh me«9ures • r * >ie i *11 xiooa ; freeb<>ra aml tr ie A <»«.?;••< 1. Tlie m*»re res.)Iuti > - Mr. Eimiiei luth’s. the ī»i>>r»- Q .ee ?.md .iW? • lī»e Mr. \V. U. - :i t ti<at they pr<>duce in tii“ eminei.ē t .e f>.rther are we from an uex ti< 11. r fr >111 being r* ?j>evt-d tml aoknow ledg--<l as a nalion ab;e md competent t •< i exerci?e ihe great principles \>f i self g'iverniiient. We hare several times h*d oeC i9Ī<)n t<> j>raise and commend Mr. • Emmeluth for b»ldly *j<eaking the i truth. Tiie only r*-9ult seeiii9 to bave inade him more bitter and , desirous <>f having our life than ever. And now he hes gone and ! told the lruth agiin, and we have to record it, f>r we certainly are not going t<> e.ill hiin a liar, even if •aying that he te!le the truth excites him, fir«tly heeauee it might be - construed as contemj)t of tbeCouneil, and 9econdly heoause we are not in the habit ofcalling anybody, 00 \natter how iii9ignificaut, illiter»te, or intolerant they may be, liars unl* 99 they are. and as we said i bef>re Mr. EinmehUh ha9 again 1 t<)Id tbe truth when he siid, ‘ \Vhat is the necessity of Da9sing f this long act to reach one particular paj>er.” And that is the truth. What ueed bas this c<*untry of any act ' of the kmd? No new3paper8 in thia country are publisbed out9ide I of Honolulu. and it is mere!y a leg il 1 flction to 8ay that the responaible pers'>ns coni»ected witb them who hav« t<> stan<l tlm brunt of auy legal proceedings e )nnecte<i with ihe paper are not knowu. or ean m>tbef)und. when re*4uired. At pre9«nl even tho Advertiser comes und*-r the defi!iition of an anonymuue eheet according to its muddled couteinj)orary the St:ir. And no ne\Tsp.tj>er either in Kng!and or Austra!ia (of whieh Queeii8!and is a p*rt) dreame uf j>ublisliing the nam*-8 ■ f its e<lit<>r <>r writers da : ly at tiie heid • f it9 c<)lumn9. Nor d<» we remember th>tthe New York or S*n Fraocis<‘* iie\\9t>aper ofrepu le conBtantly fi <ur:sh their writers persouality :*t thetop -'r b >tt>*m of eaeh hrtic<e or e >lumn iu tiie paj>er. But we are of the opmion that the r*-al re <8 >n for prop >sing, and pass > g aii these variou9 enactment9 i9 not t • get at anyb >dv wno is aliege il > unx iowu, but to j ende?v< r, trr rzeto by fe.ir *>f unknown i>umshmeiit, Ihoa:* who are | indft>endeul and ootsp"ke*i eu»ugh ! to d'fl'er with fie views <>f cert»iu i membrr» ofthe C »oucil and the annex it;oii club, \nd wh >, by telling the troth in a Ieirb'ss way, are C;iiisuig thes * !> j :itie ueu au unpleaeant quart d' here. We have l>ef >r« n< ticed ihe erralie vagsries of the Sur in its editonal columns We have no meaiia ofkuowing wbelher it isowingtotoo mueh quiniue, or to<» uiueh cautharide* aud opium, iu tbe pille eompounded by ils alieged editor-iu-chief. But whatever il ia— whetb«r due to thoe« eauaea or to the

natar»i idi<'*3’»ncra?:«f* of tne bra:ng i?) wh ch or ti9 mentai p :zz'.« whieh >i ehi.:re !t* e ’.umn* —we h.iv<* t;ever anything in it >f >re eq‘ial f <r men- *•». imbecilitj ma eupp »rter of aa- ■ ncx.:t,.>.-. t i .<w:::g:**Saj<t- -e * • aike of arg'iiuert that the rg»n ze«i weasnos» kn>>wi a* the r>>y ti g »vernment ah i'. ib* re*t >r-d* I - t*xi»tence >>f thal * -.•hi l nin -tr iti>>n h>»5 pr'»v>»ke>i unr»**t an>J vio- .* ee • tf !ind >n f r ihe p >*t <i cade »nd w f>n i 1 ; .v a * >;z>.ir-> of tfie • ni'is i>y • l;te i I e gr:up n»db. en t > kv;i onc.‘ b I• *rē by Enelati<i .r i ui ;: t hnve be» »Uiin by J >;> •[), if t:i<* Atuerioai.? hud u<>t r t •>■ <1 their ti <g up >n !t fir*t. I cideiitaiiy t > th.s. f >re g:i laws—whieh uuder umi>i>t: n e »uld have d >ne no liumi —were j> d whi> i i ii»i the -;g <r in-i‘ist-rv pr >:~tr»1“. Busin f-:l <>ff | c<»mtueree declined .ui>l pr<>perty ▼aliue decre»eed. In ull this w.t* the logic.il r:‘āult of ināu': ir ii. l*p*ndence in a small e >untry, > eouoied bv a' : en rices.md surroun»ied bv c >vetoiiB <»r c>»mpetitive neighI b>>rā—.i result whieh would asI »uredly be .igain felt if the tj'ieen »h<»uld be restored.”

For any one who hilhert» has ! been coutinunlly engaged m blatantly aesertmg that the preaent ■tat« of utfair« waa the natural result of the irapatience and wrath of the people with “roya! antocrKcy" ‘ l «nd the corrupt and etfete governraent by a monarch” to now ap#erl th"t the United State« ha» ‘‘8ei2ed thoge islands” ie too rich to be expected of any one outside of the Star, who is n<>t a «uittble candidnte f<«r the Lunatic Asylum, and we expect the eouneil eomraittee on that eitablishment whieh include8. if we remeaober right, Mr. Emmelulh and Mr. Waterhoupe to attend to his case immediately. For. otherwise. how oan tbose and the other gentlemen of the advi*ory and executive eouneih eiaim to exercise authonty here it the islands have been ieized by the United States? Ags in to admit that because “ foreign lawe,” i. e. the McKinley Bill, “ were pasaed ” the “augar induetry ig laid prostrate” “ buainess has fallen off, coramerce declined and property values decreased,” is not that an abs <lut« i adraissK>n of what we alwayg have contended. and what the Star itn«if and the Advertiaer have as continuously denied, that the whole affair of a«king for Araeric«n interference and annexation was prorapted Bolely by the de«ire to get tbe bounty and <>ther comraereial bsnefit9, and not in the in- • tere*ti of good governmenl. or lo prevent ihe *Ileged poss’ble lo«t uf the franchi9e? Star, if y<>u do not l look out, you will eome under the ban of Me?9rs. Emmelutti Js Co.. as being as actively anti-annexati >n as we e >uld possibly de9ire. But 9lav. poesibly even they will, with u«, not reg>rd your imheeile mud- ; die and repeat m tbe linei of the olher cre il D<x:tor —Dr. W atw — ( 8bghtiy a!tertd ). B.tbb e, G «bb!e. anti<j'ie ?tar How we won<i r waat yoa ar«. F*r beyoai *b r<*msoa'c d'.ibt, Are roar elfu8ions ont oi • ght. The anneiilioniiU are diatributmg broadcrf«t pamphleU in th# Hawaiian iar.gusge in whieh it :• e!aimed th*t the whole truth eonnected with the annex»lion moveis explained. Tbe pamphlet eonUina articles written by W. R. Ca«tle, Sereno Biabop,,C. J. Lyous, W. B. 01e*on. W. D. Alexander aud A. S. Hartwell. lt i« the

uaaal reha»h of all the imaginary beneh;s ;•• be der ; .ve<i '• y ;be Hawa; *; - in e iā- 1 >*f annexst; ; &■ d the uauai am-mn* ofaba»e t K* .isaua aiul the Q ;een. W* -ha!l n »t wa»te nur sj»ace bv rev:e»vi; g the art;cies, a» n><b*>iy ro ; e pamphleU they io no htr;u a:.d ;f t>a;d f»r h'.ve at ioast h* of ber.eht to the rrinters. F r t'ie [ : st»eo «1 beneht > f C. J- Lyons. W. D. j Alex. S.frei - jo; o * nioreq iote that a »>d ann H. 1 ! Bingham when be ab»>ut ō>> yeara | i ag > wn>te ab»ut their t.»thers' —h;s { br tiiers iu Christiau w >rk—# ic- j ; o- d>*fe .t ft; e scheme gaii -l tiie imiepe' ieo»**> >f t .-••-• l-;aiuis. "To hiru wh > supt»'sed the Br t s!i j g >v» r iment, the r» ?i>ie t- aml the _\ ste to :,s himseif these reas >us, apeouma M-mi jnerile as th<y w»re. *»t*:ned t w;<rrat.t i greftt nat’on inftB»I;siii ing the native government ;nid dis- [,. ..... enslave ordriveintoth« aea | tht abongine8. lt if icr'll for all ; jHirtirt that thf injluenc4 Amrrican mission'iriea (R ev e - reinis Lrons, Alexander an»i B shop among others) erer fricndly to the eoutinned indep>-n-denre of the Hnwaiian n<ttio>% atO’>d 1 in (he irny ■ f *uch an<jreaai>m thou<jh ; thtyhnd neither awonl norsj>ear nor eannon to resi*t it.' But then they did not epeeulale in Beirl H?»rb»r land-boom9 or in sugar b»mnīies n>»r did they st»ke tiieir all t* retain worldly power, and h!l t'neir pookets with manunoii, ul the gacrihce of the naiional honor an«i life of the country whieh receiv«-d th-m as frieuds and benefactors. The fathers are deid. D > they lollou with their spir tual eyes. the way in whieh the »»n c.»rry out the trust whieh they rejK»?ed in them? The a|»i>«-tite of the St ir ami it» edit>»rs and writers f>r unfmiuded »Ciiidul has n< >t decroa*ed «p parently. nnel when the |>rt»Beiil Collect«>r Gener»lof C»»tom» will not gr»tify it by maiiufacturiiig »picy items t > auit its t»ste, it t irns on him nnd figuratively rends from him his nianlle, as one >f the Castle finii 1 y by allegiug that he i* only a puhlie servant ami has no hu*iuess t > shelter himself, or anv other thing. behind the feeliug» of others. Stay. St »r. star ! It may be po»»ible that th >se fee!ings whieh are t> b> so carefully i>rotected bel<>ug t<» those n»w h;gh in ihe rank» of the annex »tM>ni»t —eum —p.—G.—party. What induced the recently-api»»inte<l tax-a»»es90r t > dedine the bnrden of equa!iling the valuation of t »xahle property on this island? And •eho d >ea:i’l au»wer what? eilher, bv any meana. — Tne Adverti»cr of Monday eon- , iains the f.»ilowing remarkable and beautif ii statement whieh we iiave howed our heads in w»mder over, ever since. "W« shou!d 1«»>*. lo the Government nfficer». not >ndeed for acttve j»>iit eal workers. but f>r pure and di»'ntere»ted patri>>ts. ” Now. C'>n“ : .d-ring tbe apj>ointment9 n>ade by theP. G., ihe re.<» >ns for niaking them a» given by the Adv>rtieer. the eonet*ut howl of ihe Miliury, ihe Volauteers. aud the annexati<>n Club on the »ame *ubject. we feel almo«t paralyzed to find tnx Adv*rti»er expre8eing » tch »entin*etil8 as the»e. * G>>verQtn»ut officer», should not b« acliv» poiiti•«1 wurter». They should b* pur» and di»intere»ted patriott. H»aveu» aod Earth 1 Whal ar» w# eoming to? C«n ihe laop*rd ob*t.ge bi» »pots? Can th« Ethiopiau waah h:mM.f wbite? lf I

oau be A >ne, then wn «x;eci pure and d s:tUt'r-i ; atricts in oflice whoar« n t *ct.ve i> w >rt»n un<l-T tti« P r **'* rcxmie. Aud l<> crv>wn *!L l'csp :h«c :du. tn;s prociom j«*wel of •eotim«ut occur* in an *rtic!* whieh urge« on every g >verument | en:pl >vee fr »rn tnal*-dnver* to c*enirp». lheebs > ute nec«o*'tT au<l i duty, of itnmrdretely v<>Iunt*«ring S>r m:hterv service t:vi-»r t n** f>v- • r>ituv t. u i i<r 'f <i *:n;*»\. n< t di:ii< hs dutj; althougk I lhere isn’t ths •’.’k it >»t necvesitT f>r a s >t:ury <>.te *».tuer of the t riiriit v>>Iunt «■• or the permeneot n»ilitary. ss therc is n» one • drc«miug ><f att9cki: e tiie t vernj menl —uule«s il i* t .e:r «n «up- | pv>rt-r». Th« \dvert «®r f ye«erday onee mnre niake* the b.i»e>?« a-- -rt: >n. lhat tbe Anieric*>i Mini»ler Kesidenl, Mr. J. L. 5?t«ve:i» *»j» attnct»1 in t:.e Hulleim by r >v.»i f>r h.n cunduct in the ni*tter »>f not »endmg tno B »t<>u t > »r roh f»r the missitig b >al <>f ine A nericen • hip. W. A. Oamuheli, whieh eont>tin Ihe w;fe a::d ne>v h'm hah* >>f it» Cai>tain. Without viol*tinf ► ! any c >nfldence >ve c\n a»sert th*t , the writer» >f tho lettrrs whieh ao annoved the extra >rdiiiHry were, one and all. b >ru Americ*n eiliaena wh>* elaime l their r'ghl to een» ire tbe Mini»t»r »>f tneir own c»intiy f>r hia inhum*nity. d8 they C'>:>Bi'lere<i it. Th<>»» gentlemen, »>> f«r a» we kn«>w, are pr<>b«b:y to-d «v aa annnie a» olf»er A "erican» t<> *ee annexatiou e >me nbout in a pr<>t>er m>«nner, bul wheti>er the Advertiser COn»id*r* American Kepohlieene who have never bec>>me eilnen* in th • country hs r ya!ist» we cm’t *»y. That that an>>nytn >n-* r»g » l ionld now be found in ttie »ide »>f pre*-* re*triction does n>>t s irpr ae n» It enjoye«l the fuliest liherty, f.>r the pa»t two years, <>f att »cking and •landering every <>ne «»i»u •»«•<l l>» :ti i>lma t<>r ruling or niintng ihe country, aud n>>w that il ha» »«oceede*l in perf»rming the l«ttor funct'on, it, no doubt, now w>>uld delight t > see «veryone on the ot::er »ide empl»yed in exj> »mg it* ra»cally d>>mgs and terg>ver8>tion» compelled tn b9 »i.*nt. while it iiul its ging raise lheir hymi s <>f pr.«is** t > l!te br>t7 *n image thev ii»ve »> t <i(> f rf > -t > « >r»hip aml bo» *,1 >wa in inp!icit obe«ii•nee to. The St»r »-«>•», in r»f»rence to the rest'>ration of the M >narchy. ‘'aiui until » better f>rm «>f g >vernment had b*-en e»tablĪ8he l. no one would eome h*re t*> inv**»t hia n»onev.” His oth>-r remark» may »»>ua c>rrecl t> a Joh»»ny-come-Iately but t>» K'imani <u who kn*>w the c>>untry and it* e >ndition* they c>rry ti»eir >>wn ref ita tion by their r >liculouine«s, and tiii». too, t>> pr<>ve its wh"le-s*uled prevaricitiori, only r‘-ipiire» l > hav« it at»led that all th» eapilal th» St»r’s backers c!aim t i> ••«»» (although not venfied by t!»e T«x-a»a-s»ment roli») w»s »nve8t>*<i ami pr here under th »t v*ry f*»rtn of g >vernment whieh, t >r the a»ke of a reui"t" an >ilu»"ry pecuniary advantage. they now •<*•» to overturn au<ī al-.li- i. A member of the Adv s>>ry C>uncil sa d t • ua the *>th* r day — we d>»n’t happen to «ct a» a red r»g l■> » buli t»> every gent!emau m that aug<ist l>f>dy—tb»t «n<>ther pr*>mineut meuib**r, fmro h>s »e »1 in th« Oiuneii. h <1 adv.8->i th >t tri«y, d» ti»e Pr>viaional <J >v**rument, ■hould act »o as to di»gust evcryb<>dy with their aeliona, and lhu« induce them t*> nrge and worn for • peady annexatīuu U»get nd > f lhetn. Whether the u»embers have f>!low•d the jeauitic advice thua giv«n, we hard:y lixe tosay in view of tba contempt act. but. if lhey have, lhey Certainiy have succeed-d moat admirabiy aa to tbe fir»t part, but »8 to the pmp"ted resi.lt, we ihink that abuut all they will get of it will b* what Moaea got of ihe promiaed land, and wbat the owner of ae* high geta again»t afull band, — vīx: —a sight for their m»aey.